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#201 : Remariage

Eric et Annie renouvellent leurs voeux et se remarient. Les enfants ne sont pas vraiment éxités par ce mariage mais Ruthie veut porter un smoking. Mary en a marre de marcher avec des béquilles mais elle a peur de tomber si elle ne les utilise pas. Lucy en veut toujours à Jimmy Moon de sortir avec Ashley, mais elle les invite au mariage. Plus tard, elle annule l'invitation. Matt et Heather passent du temps ensemble avant qu'elle ne parte pour son école. Simon décide d'attendre un peu avant d'emmenager dans le grenier. Eric aide une femme, Nora, à parler a celui qui a tué son mari quelques années auparavant. 



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Eric (Stephen Collins) & Annie Camden (Catherine Hicks)

Eric (Stephen Collins) & Annie Camden (Catherine Hicks)

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Écrit par : Brenda Hampton
Réalisé par : Burt Brinckerhoff

Acteurs principaux : Stephen Collins (Eric Camden), Catherine Hicks (Annie Camden), Barry Watson (Matt Camden), Jessica Biel (Mary Camden), Beverley Mitchell (Lucy Camden), David Gallagher (Simon Camden), Mackenzie Rosman (Ruthie Camden

Acteurs secondaires :


Eric reçoit dans son bureau une dame pour qui ce serait l'anniversaire de mariage si son mari n'avait pas été tué dans un hold-up. Elle lui dit qu'elle a envoyé plusieurs lettres au meurtrier en prison mais qu'il ne répond jamais. Eric va le voir et découvre qu'aucune des lettres n'a été ouverte. Il demande au jeune meurtrier de rencontrer la femme parce qu'elle a vraiment besoin de lui dire qu'elle lui pardonne pour pouvoir se sortir de cette histoire et continuer sa vie. Elle lui pardonne et il se demande si Dieu pourra un jour lui pardonner.

A cause de cette histoire, Eric propose à Annie qu'ils se remarient. Ils sont heureux de l'annoncer aux enfants mais ceux-ci s'en fichent complètement. Ils ne sont pas enthousiasmés par cette cérémonie.

Lucy n'arrête pas de se lamenter sur son sort parce que Jimmy Moon sort avec Ashley. Elle invite Jimmy au mariage et quand il demande si il peut venir avec Ashley, elle dit oui. Mais elle le regrette aussitôt et rappelle Jimmy. Mary pense que les problèmes de Lucy ne sont pas si graves et qu'elle devrait arrêter de se plaindre. Cela finit par une bagarre.

Simon veux emménager dans une chambre au grenier pour être tranquil sans Ruthie. Matt lui fait croire que le fantôme de l'ancienne habitante vit toujours dans le grenier. Ruthie n'est pas du tout prête à voir son frère partir et se sent triste. Elle doit choisir une robe comme elle est demoiselle d'honneur au remariage mais elle n'arrive pas à se décider. Matt en a marre et lui demande ce qui ne va pas. Quand il sait, Matt lui promet de convaincre Simon de rester encore un peu si elle choisit vite une robe.

Matt essaye de passer le maximum de temps avec Heather avant qu'elle ne parte étudier loin de Glenoak. Il ne sait pas quoi penser quand il voit qu'elle a invité un ami sourd, Zack à passer quelques jours chez elle. Matt le voit comme une menace pour leur relation. après en avoir discuté avec Eric, Matt décide d'accepter les choses comme elles sont et invite même Zack au mariage de ses parents. 

Fait par Neopette

Church - Eric's Office

Nora : Reverend?

Eric : How are you? Come in... Come in...

Nora : Oh, thank you... I didn't see your car out front.

Eric : It's in the shop. My son dropped me off. Please... How can I help, Nora?

Nora : My wedding anniversary is coming up.

Eric : Mine too. Yeah, this Saturday. Annie and I have been married nineteen years.

Nora : That's nice. We would have been married twenty five years.

Eric: I'm so sorry, I completely forget... Forgive me.

Nora: It's okay. It's been three years since James was murdered. The boy who killed my husband is in a juvenile detention facility he's a juvenile and he plead guilty so I never got to see him in court. I want to see him. I want to talk with him. I've written him a letter every week for three years now, he's never responded and he doesn't want to see me.

Eric: Okay so?

Nora: I've tried everyone from his social worker all the way up to the governor and, and no one can convince him.

Eric: But you think I can?

Nora: I don't know, but I don't know where else to turn.

Eric: What's his name?

Nora: I've written it all down for you.

Eric: I'll do my best.

Nora: Thank you Reverend.

Eric: I'll be in touch.

Nora: Oh, Reverend, I hope you and your wife have a very nice anniversary. I really mean that.

Camden House - Kitchen

Annie: Upstairs... Hello?

Eric: Hey, I'm glad you're home. Don't go anywhere.

Simon: What's up?

Annie: I'm not sure. That was your dad.

Simon: What did he say?

Annie: He told me not to go anywhere.


Simon: Here. Put these away and then go down to the kitchen. Something's up with dad.

Mary: What?

Simon: I don't know, but he's on his way home right now. Hurry.

Matt's Room

Simon: Get off!

Matt: Could you hold on one second? Get out! I'm talking to Heather's mom.

Simon: Well Dad's on his way home and something's up. Something big.

Matt: Okay so, just tell Heather I'll see her around seven.


Lucy: What's going on?

Simon: I don't know, but it's something big.


Eric: Annie, will you marry me?

Annie and Eric's Bedroom

Annie: I don't know how we're going to manage to put together a wedding over a couple of days. We spent months planning the first one.

Eric: And the first one fell apart. Don't worry. I'm gonna take care of it all... I'll call and invite anybody you want, I'll get the flowers from the church florist and I'll get a cake and hey, I've got the church. All you have to do is be there.

Annie: And get dresses for the girls.

Eric: They can wear whatever dresses they wore at the last wedding they were in.

Annie: Okay, oh and the tuxes for the boys?

Eric: I've given Ted Shields so much business I'm sure he'll let us have them for nothing. And you can wear that kind of hippy dippy wedding dress you wore the first time. I loved that dress.

Annie: Well, I still have it, but I doubt that I can still get in it.

Eric: Sure you can. What?

Annie: I wanted to wear my mother's wedding dress the first time we got married.

Eric: Right. And my mom wanted to wear her dress. That was round one in the Camdens vs. the Jacksons.

Eric: You think your dad still has your Mom's dress?

Annie: It might still be in his attic, but he's leaving tomorrow, he won't have the time. Besides that hippy dippy dress will do.

Simon: Hey Mom... Mom?

Eric: Can't you see she's busy?

Annie: What is it Simon?

Simon: I was just wondering with this whole wedding thing and all you're still going to have time to finish the attic?

Eric: Would it hurt if you moved into your new bedroom a week later?

Simon: Dad, school starts next week. Junior High. I can't go to Junior High and still be sharing the same room with my little sister. Word would get around.

Annie: It's okay Simon, I assure you, I'll finish on schedule.

Simon: I don't know Mom. I'm afraid either my room or your wedding will suffer.

Ruthie: I need to talk to Mom and Dad alone, please.

Simon: What do you think I was doing? Please tell me the wait is almost over.

Eric: Go.

Ruthie: I just want you to know I may not make it to the wedding.

Annie: Why not?

Ruthie: Because no one else wants go to so I may not have a ride.

Eric: Why don't your brothers and sisters want to go?

Ruthie: Because it's the last weekend of the summer and they've kind of got a lot of stuff to do. Besides, you're already married.

Annie: Well, I hope they'll all change their minds because since none of you were there for the first wedding, we'd really like you there for this one.

Ruthie: So we have to go?

Eric: Yes, you all have to go.

Ruthie: Oh, man.

Annie: I don't know. Are we just being crazy here? Are we just doing this because Nora stopped in to see you today?

Eric: Yes we're crazy, and yes I decided to do this after seeing Nora. It was kind of a reminder that life is short and we shouldn't put things off we've always wanted to do.

Annie: Do you think you can get in to see that kind who killed her husband?

Eric: Please. Me? I can do anything... I found out from his social worker that the thing he misses most from the outside is a real fast food burger, fries and shake. So he may not see Nora for that, but I have a feeling he'll give me a shot.

Annie: You have no qualms about bribing him?

Eric: The kid killed someone, it's not like I'm going to corrupt him... Okay, it's a small sin for a good cause.

Pool Hall

Matt: You know I want to be with you every minute before you leave for school on Sunday. Well, my parents have kinda screwed that up for us. They decided to get married this weekend.

Heather: They're not married?

Matt: No, no they're, they're married, they're getting married again. They never got to have a big wedding so they're gonna have one on their anniversary this Saturday and I've got to be the best man.

Heather: So, our last date together before I leave will be a wedding? Cool.

Matt: If you say so. What do you want to do tonight?

Heather: Stare at your face.

Camden House - Front Porch

Wilson: You want to tell me why you're in such a bad mood?

Mary: I'm not in a bad mood.

Wilson: I know what's bothering you, so why can't we just talk about it?

Mary: You don't know anything. I gotta go inside.

Wilson: You know if you won't talk to me, you need to talk to somebody.

Mary: You've gotta stop acting so mature.

Wilson: Don't I get a kiss?

Mary: Good night.

Mary and Lucy's Room

Jimmy: Hi. I'm not home right now. You can leave a message or try me at Ashley's.

Lucy: Excuse me, I'm sleeping here.

Mary: It's ten o'clock. You're not sleeping. You're crying. All you've done all summer long is cry.

Lucy: So? I haven't had anything else to do. Not one single guy has called me since I broke up with Jimmy. And why are you in such a bad mood anyway?

Mary: I'm not, it's just that Jimmy broke up with you, three months ago, so get over it, will you?

Lucy: I can't get over it, and when school starts, it's going to be even worse because I'm going to have to see him and Ashley together. It's going to be a nightmare.

Mary: It's only gonna be a nightmare because you're making it a nightmare. Things like this happen. That is what life is all about, disappointment and failure, so get used to it.

Lucy: And you're not in a bad mood?


Simon: You know I think I'll put the bed over here... once we take down the bunk beds.

Ruthie: Fine. I want the top bunk.

Annie: Guys, come on. It's time for you two to go to bed, it's late.

Simon: Yeah, that's just one of the advantages of getting this place. I won't have the same bedtime as a six year old.

Ruthie: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Annie: Simon, tomorrow I want you to go with Matt to get a tux.

Simon: Mom, why do I have to wear a tuxedo?

Annie: Because I've always dreamed of having a wedding like this and seeing my two sons waiting for me with my husband at the end of the aisle.

Simon: Mom, do you hear how weird that sounds?

Ruthie: Do I get a tuxedo too?

Annie: No honey, I'm going to make you a beautiful dress and you can be the flower girl and throw rose petals down the aisle.

Ruthie: Why can't I throw flowers in a tuxedo?

Annie: I'll think about it. Off to bed.

Ruthie: What does a tuxedo look like anyway?


Eric: Grandpa, it's Eric... Eric Camden... Your son in law... Did I wake you?... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I tried to call you earlier but then I thought you might be at Ginger's and I didn't want to leave a message because I'm trying to surprise Annie... Yes, that Eric... Hold on a sec'...

Annie: Who is that you're talking to?

Eric: I just wanted to get started on some of the wedding plans.

Annie: Isn't it a little late?

Eric: Well, yeah I want to stay on top of things... Hey, Annie, honey...

Annie: Yeah?

Eric: You know you just put two paint brushes in the freezer?

Annie: You can freeze brushes instead of cleaning them when you're going to be painting again the next day. It's an old painter's trick.

Eric: Grandpa, you still there?

Heather's House/Int. Station Wagon

Matt: I don't want you to go back to school.

Camden House - Living Room

Lucy: Hi.

Wilson: Hi Luce. What's up?

Lucy: Nothing. Just this stupid wedding.

Mary: What are you doing here?

Wilson: I thought we were going to the pool to work out the knee a little. What wedding?

Mary: It's nothing. My parents are getting married again. It's their anniversary or something this Saturday. I didn't say I was going to the pool.


Wilson: You know school is starting next week and you made it your goal to be off crutches by then, I didn't.

Mary: Yeah, so what?

Wilson: So I think you're ready, you can do it.

Mary: You don't know that, you don't know anything, and you don't know how I feel.

Wilson: So tell me how you feel. I'm right here, I'm listening.

Mary: Can we please talk about something else?

Wilson: Okay. Tell me about this wedding. Am I invited?

Mary: You can come if you want.

Wilson: Yeah, I want to come, but I want to be invited. You don't want me to go?

Mary: I don't even want to go and I'm in it.

Wilson: Tell you what. You seem like you need a little space so I think I'm gonna spend the day with Billy. You still want to go out tonight?

Mary: Not really.

Tux Shop

Simon: You know I say we leave her here and have Dad pick her up later.

Matt: He can't he's on his way to see that murderer. Hey, Ruthie! Hurry up! We don't have all day.

Simon: So where's Heather?

Matt: Oh, a friend of hers from school is staying at her house, they're riding back together.

Simon: A guy friend or a girl friend?

Matt: What difference does it make?

Simon: It's a guy, huh?

Matt: Yeah.

Simon: So, what's the story?

Matt: I just assumed it was a girlfriend that's all, he kind of took me by surprise. He's from Canada so he drove down and he's staying with Heather and her Mom until they take off for school.

Simon: I hate to say it, but this is trouble, you know that, don't you?

Ted: Oh Ruthie, that is stunning! Much better than the gold one.

Simon: Oh, yeah, yeah, stunning. Can we go already.

Ruthie: What do you think?

Matt: Oh, it's, it's great. I think this one's it.

Ruthie: How about something in white?

Ted: White...

Simon: You know the only thing that's keeping me sane here is that I'm getting my own room.

Matt: Ruthie, can I come in?

Ruthie: May I.

Dressing Room

Matt: This isn't about the tux, is it? Why are you taking so long?

Ruthie: Because.

Matt: Because why?

Ruthie: Because Simon's moving out because he doesn't like me and I'll never see him any more either.

Matt: Hey, Curlie, just because Simon's moving out doesn't mean he doesn't like you, it just means he's growing up, he wants to be on his own. I have a room of my own.

Ruthie: Yeah. Well, since you're alone, and I'm going to be alone, maybe we could move in together.

Matt: Come on, give it a shot, you might like a room by yourself.

Ruthie: No I won't, I love living with Simon.

Matt: Okay, I'll make you a deal. If you'll take any of the tuxes you've tried on here and we can leave now, I'll fix it so that Simon doesn't leave. At least not in the near future.

Ruthie: How?

Matt: Don't worry, I know how to get to him.

Camden House - Attic

Lucy: Mom, do you have a second?

Annie: Yeah, I might have a couple.

Lucy: Okay, here't goes. I know how important this wedding is to you and Dad, but to me, it's the universe's way of pointing a big fat finger and saying "Lucy Camden, you are alone and have no one".

Annie: Honey, tell me why the universe can't be pointing a finger at you saying, "Lucy Camden, some day you are going to fall in love with a wonderful man and have a wedding all your own".

Lucy: I'm thinking about calling Jimmy and asking him to come to the wedding, for old times sake. You know, like friends.

Annie: Is that what you really want? Just to be Jimmy's friend?

Lucy: It's better than nothing.

Juvenile Detention Center - Visitors Room

Guard: If you need me Reverend, nothing would give me more pleasure than dragging this guy out of here for you.

Eric: Thanks... I'm Eric Camden. Thanks for meeting with me... I take it you're Martin?

Martin: You were expecting someone else? I take it you're here to talk to me about my junk mail?

Eric: My friend would like to talk to you... She needs some closure in her life.

Martin: I gave her the ultimate closure, man. I killed her husband.

Eric: And I suppose you're going to try to tell me that doesn't bother you? You don't feel you owe her five minutes of your time?

Martin: Hey, I don't owe her or anybody else anything. I'm paying my debt to society right here. But maybe I'll pay her a visit when I get out... Disappointed? Well, I'm a big disappointment to everyone, but what can I say? I've had a bad life. I had a bad mother, no father and only a TV to raise me and all I learned from the TV was how to kill people.

Eric: I'm sorry you had a bad life and I'm sorry that you had a mother that wasn't good enough for you, I'm sorry you didn't have a father, but regardless of what you saw on TV or in the movies, don't you try to tell me that you don't know the difference between right and wrong and life and death, because I know you do... You never even opened them?

Martin: Just the first one.

Eric: And you won't see her?

Camden House - Mary and Lucy's Room

Mary: Do we have to try on these stupid dresses. Who are you calling?

Lucy: No one... No! Don't!

Mary: Hello...

Jimmy: Hello? Mary? Jimmy Moon. Did Lucy just call me? I have call return.

Mary: Um, no. I was calling my boyfriend, Wilson and I dialed your number by mistake.

Jimmy: I know it was her. Is she there?

Mary: Do you want to talk to him?

Lucy: I told you not to pick up!

Mary: Yeah, well you shouldn't have called him and then hung up.

Jimmy: Hello?

Lucy: Hello?

Jimmy: I know you called, that boyfriend story Mary made up was totally lame.

Lucy: Well she happens to have a boyfriend. Okay, I called.

Jimmy: What'd you want?

Lucy: My parents are getting married on their anniversary, this Saturday. I thought that maybe you'd like to come, you know, since you used to practically be part of the family.

Jimmy: But, I'm with Ashley now.

Lucy: Yeah, I know.

Jimmy: So you mean you want both of us to come?

Lucy: Yeah, of course.

Jimmy: That's incredibly mature of you.

Lucy: Yeah, well, I matured a lot over the summer.

Jimmy: Okay, well, I'll ask Ashley if she wants to go. Thanks.

Mary: What did you just do?

Lucy: I don't know but it's all your fault! And I hate you!

Mary: Well, I hate you too, but we still have to try on these dresses.

Heather's House

Matt: Hi. Do you read lips, Zack? How do you know when someone rings the bell?

Heather: Come in.

Matt: I thought we were going out.

Heather: I don't want to leave Zack alone.

Matt: We've got tonight and tomorrow night, and then that's it. I don't want to be with Zack. I want to be with you... Okay, alright.


Simon: So what I'm thinking is I'm gonna hang all my superhero posters all over the walls, and then I'm going to string my entire superhero collection of action figures across the ceiling. What do you think?

Ruthie: Good idea. Superheros everywhere. You'll probably need them.

Simon: What do you mean need?

Ruthie: Everybody knows ghosts hang out in the attic, especially in this house.

Simon: Why in this house?

Ruthie: Because the lady who died and left the house to the church...

Simon: Yeah?

Ruthie: She died in this attic.

Simon: Where'd did you hear that?

Ruthie: Matt told me. That's why no one ever slept up here before.

Living Room

Annie: These will be just fine, once I let them out a little bit here, and there. Besides, you're both so pretty, it doesn't matter what you wear.

Eric: Hey, sorry I'm late. I stopped by the flower shop, they're just going to deliver Sunday's flowers a day early, plus throw in a bouquet and some rose pedals for Ruthie, and since Mrs. Bink can't come, she's gonna make a gift of the wedding cake, and the ladies circle is going to arrange a pot luck dinner is that okay?

Annie: It's more than okay. How are you? How was your day? How as your meeting?

Eric: Um... it didn't go all that well, actually but I'm not going to let this kid get to me. I'll tell you about it later.

Annie: Okay.

Eric: So Mary is Wilson coming to the wedding?

Lucy: No, he's crazy about her, but what does she care.

Mary: Shut up.

Annie: Mary, why isn't Wilson coming to the wedding?

Mary: I don't want him there, okay?

Lucy: But yet you forced me into asking Jimmy and Ashley.

Annie: How'd she do that?

Mary: I didn't.

Lucy: If you weren't on those crutches...

Mary: You'd what?

Eric: Hey! What's going on? This is a wedding, it's supposed to be fun.

Mary: Well I hope you two are having fun because no body else is.

Eric: Did we fare any better with the tuxedo team?

Annie: Yes, they are fitted, pressed and quite handsome.

Eric: See it's Matt's new look. The short hair, much better for a tux.

Annie: I don't know. I kinda liked it better longer.

Eric: Do me a favor... Don't tell him.


Annie: Hi Wilson, come in. Mary!

Mary: I don't want to see him.

Eric: Come on in Wilson, I'll see what I can do.

Wilson: No, I should have called, I was just on my way home from a friend's house. She's just in a bad mood. It's okay, really. Goodnight.

Eric: I still think I'll see what I can do.

Annie: Oh, you've had a hard day, I'll get this one.

Eric: What's going on with those two?

Annie: They're in a self pity contest, and I'm about to declare them both losers, that's what's going on with them.

Eric: So it's not just the ugly dresses?

Annie: No.

Lucy and Mary's Room

Lucy: You don't know how lucky you are, you have a boyfriend.

Mary: You don't know how lucky you are, you can walk.

Wilson: Sorry about that. I'll pay for it.

Annie: Yes, you will, and Mary will be right down, don't go anywhere.

Wilson: Okay.

Annie: Go. If you don't want Wilson around any more then you tell him, but don't just ignore him or be rude to him when all he's done all summer is try to be supportive and helpful.

Lucy: It's about time someone said something to her.

Annie: It's about time I said something to you, too. You've got to stop feeling so sorry for yourself and start thinking about getting over Jimmy Moon.

Lucy: How am I supposed to do that when he and Ashley are coming to the wedding?

Annie: Uninvite them. Blame it on me.

Jimmy (v.o.): Hi, I'm not home right now, you can leave a message or try me at Ashley's.

Lucy: Uh, hi... It's me, Lucy... I just wanted to tell you that actually I'm not that mature and I changed my mind about you and Ashley coming to the wedding. So, I guess I'm sort of uninviting you. Unless of course, you want to come by yourself.

Living Room

Wilson: I've got ten minutes to get home, so I'm going to make this quick. I'm crazy about you, and if I've been too pushy about the sticks, I apologize and I want to go to your parents' wedding with you.

Mary: No. Don't.

Wilson: Why not? You're crying. Help me out. I'm a little lost here. What is it? Is it the wedding?

Mary: I'm just tired of using crutches, but I'm afraid if I don't I might fall.

Wilson: Yeah, you might. But if you do, you'll get right back up and that's the worst that can happen.

Mary: You know, you are really no help at all.

Wilson: Yeah, but I'm trying.

Matt: How's it going?

Wilson: Not go good, how 'bout you?

Matt: Not so good.

Wilson: Heather.

Matt: Yeah, Mary?

Wilson: Yeah. Goodnight.


Eric: Hey, what's up?

Matt: I'm confused about Heather. I thought we had everything planned, you know how we'd handle being apart. She'd come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, then I could fly out for Valentine's weekend, then she's come back Spring break.

Eric: Sounds like there are a lot of holes in that plan. Who are you going to take to the homecoming game... the senior prom... graduation. All that great stuff that's reserved for seniors.

Matt: I just figured I wouldn't go, except to graduation, and I don't have to have a date for that.

Eric: And what about Heather?

Matt: She has a friend Zack, I didn't even know about, that she does all that stuff with.

Eric: And Heather having someone to do things with that she would otherwise miss out on is a problem for you?

Matt: Well, yeah. I mean I don't have some girl I'm hanging out with who's just a friend.

Eric: Well all I can say is son, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't let any man in the world change the way I feel about the woman I love. I wouldn't want to let someone else have that kind of control over me.

Matt: I think I'm a little too late for that.

Eric: Think again, will you?


Simon: It's not so bad. A little bit more light, it'll be fine... Mom! You scared me!

Annie: You scared me. I heard a noise I didn't know you were up here... Are you okay, honey?

Simon: Yeah, I'm fine.

Annie: What are you doing up here so late?

Simon: I was just checking to see if the ghost of the lady who lived in this house was lurking around. She died in here, you know.

Annie: Who told you that?

Simon: Ruthie.

Annie: And who told Ruthie?

Annie: Matt.

Annie: Matt's wrong. The lady who left this house to the church died in Florida, that's where she moved when she retired... I hate to say it Simon, but I think maybe your sister and brother have a little conspiracy going to keep you in the room. You may be ready to leave, but I don't think Ruthie's anxious to have you go.

Simon: You're right. And as her older brother, I'd be willing to stay in the room a little longer, but to tell you the truth now that you've done all this work, I feel a little obligated to move in.

Annie: Well don't. Doing something for your sister out of love is far more important than doing something for me out of guilt.

Simon: If you ever want to take that back, I'll understand.


Eric: Hello... Yeah, this is Reverend Camden... Right, sure you're Martin's social worker... Tomorrow? My wife and I are getting married tomorrow well, it's a long story, but yeah, well if he's willing to see Nora, I'll be there... Okay, right thanks.

Camden House - Foyer

Eric: Yes!

Delivery Guy: How are ya' Reverend? Sign right here.

Eric: You don't know how happy this makes me.

Delivery Guy: Well, if you're happy, I'm happy. Have a nice day.

Eric: You, too.

Annie: What's that?

Eric: Oh, it's a wedding present.

Annie: I thought the wedding was the present, you shouldn't have done this Eric, I didn't get anything for you.

Eric: It's not from me, it's from your dad.

Annie: Annie, I should never have let nineteen years go by without apologizing for everything we did to make you call off the first wedding. Congratulations on your anniversary! Love, Dad.

Eric: I'm sorry I let you stay up half the night fixing the other one, but I didn't know if this one would come, or if it would fit or... I've got to go. I've got to pick up Nora.

Annie: We won't start without you okay... No matter if everybody gets tired, I'll be there. I'll wait for you at the altar, with the rest of the family.

Eric: I won't be late. I promise.

Annie: Okay.

Heather's House

Matt: You look beautiful.

Heather: Thanks. You too... It's for your Mom and Dad. 

Matt: Thanks... Don't you want to come to the wedding? Come on, I'd really like you to come. I have to do my best man gig and you can keep Heather company.

Heather: Are you sure? It's our last night together.

Matt: Yeah, yeah and after the wedding, we can drop Zack off and we can have some time together alone. I promise.

Heather: Five minutes.

Matt: I actually got that one... I'm sorry I've been such a jerk. I just don't want to lose you.

Living Room

Simon: I was going to wait until after the wedding, but I might as well tell you now.

Ruthie: Tell me what?

Simon: I decided not to move. I'm going to give it another six months to give you some time to get more used to the idea.

Ruthie: So do I still get the top bunk?

Simon: No. As long as it's the top bunk it's all mine.

Ruthie: When is six months gonna be up?

Juvenile Correction Facility - Visitors' Room

Eric: You're sure you want to do this?

Nora: I have to do this.

Guard: Here you go, Reverend. Good luck ma'am.

Eric: Nora, this is Martin.

Nora: Hello Martin. Thank you for seeing me. I was hoping that I could find out something about my husband's death, how James died or maybe why he died.

Martin: Look, I had a knife, the guy got in my way, he shouldn't have.

Nora: I see was he in your way when he was running out of the store?

Martin: No, he got in between me and the manager guy.

Nora: You intended to kill the store manager?

Martin: I didn't intend to kill nobody, but like I said, your husband got in my way, his choice.

Nora: Well, at least I know he was protecting someone when he died, that's something. Do you have any idea how you changed my life? My husband meant everything to me. Because of him, everything bad meaning. I still have the same job, but now there's no one to buy things for, no one to help pay the rent or save with for holidays or vacations. There's no one there when I come home at night, there's no one in the morning when I make breakfast. And it's been like that for three years. But now it's time to move on. But I just couldn't until I saw you. Thank you. This has all been very helpful, and it's somewhat comforting to know that my husband died a hero, I never knew that... And just one more thing. I want you to know Martin... That I forgive you.

Martin: Hey! I didn't ask you to forgive me! Who needs your forgiveness? You hear me?

Eric: She didn't forgive you for you, she did it for herself. Otherwise, she'd just go on being your victim, and I think she's been your victim long enough.

Martin: Wait!

Eric: I can't. I'm getting married this afternoon.

Martin: Before you go, just tell me Reverend, do you... you think God will forgive me?

Eric: You better pray he does. But I got to tell you I'm not sure I ever will.

Church - Hallway

Lucy: I shouldn't have told Jimmy that he couldn't bring Ashley. Next time I see them, I'm going to feel really stupid.

Mary: Well, it's too late now, isn't it?

Lucy: Look, Miss Pathetic, just because you're feeling sorry for yourself doesn't mean you need to take it out on me.

Mary: Me? If anyone is feeling sorry for themselves it's you.

Lucy: Yeah, well, I'm think I have a good reason to feel sorry for myself, I just lost the man of my dreams.

Mary: Oh please. Jimmy Moon is the man of your dreams?

Lucy: What's wrong with Jimmy Moon? He's just as good looking as Wilson and a lot smarter.

Mary: First of all, it's not nice to judge guys by the way they look and secondly, if I remember correctly, and I do, I had to tutor Jimmy because he was failing science, so how smart can he be?

Lucy: Smart enough not to become a teen father.

Mary: Okay, that does it! Oh right, I am really worried. I could take you in like, two seconds.

Lucy: Oh yeah? You want a piece of me? Come on. I'm calling your bluff. Throw down the crutches, Crutches Girl.

Mary: I'm not going to throw them down, I can knock the stuffing out of you just like this. Come on... Come on, huh...

Lucy: Let go of those things.

Mary: You let go... Let go!

Lucy: Let go of me!

Matt: Dad just got here. Let's go. Listen, go get your rose petals, okay?

Annie: Feel better now?


Lucy: I guess Jimmy decided not to come.

Mary: He has no idea what he lost.

Lucy: Thanks. Are you gonna be okay without the crutches?

Mary: Yeah, juts don't let go of me.

Simon: You missed a great chick fight.

Fait par Neopette

Kikavu ?

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11.02.2021 vers 19h

24.12.2020 vers 13h

13.12.2020 vers 10h

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29.07.2018 vers 15h

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !