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#11.08 : De Retour ?

Eric et Annie sont arrivés en Ecosse et y trouvent une Ruthie particulièrement épanouie et qui n'a aucune envie de retourner à GlenOak. Après lui avoir parlé de son état de santé, Eric lui demande de rentrer à la maison, parce qu'il a besoin d'elle et de sa famile en cette période difficile. A GlenOak, T-Bone apprend que Jane a appelésa mère sans lui demander. Il ne veut rien avoir à faire avec elle, il ne veut pas en entendre parler, après tout, elle l'a abandonnée et n'a jamais cherché à prendre de ses nouvelles depuis plusieurs mois. Lucy prend les choses en main. Tout d'abord elle propose à T-Bone d'entamer une procédure d'émancipation. Puis Kevin et elle reçoivent sa mère. Sandy et Martin décident finalement de ne pas se marier. 


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And I'll take the low road

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De Retour ?

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Écrit par : Brenda Hampton 
Réalisé par : Joel J. Feigenbaum 

Avec : Colton James (T-Bone), Kyle Searles (Mac) Sarah Wright (Jane), Andrea Morris (Margaret) 

Guests :

  • Lisa Darr ..... La mère de T-Bone

Sandy's Apartment

Sandy: I'm sorry Daniel, but... you understand? Martin is Aaron's dad and he's asked me to marry him... and I want to marry him. So that means you and I won't be able to go out anymore. Because I'm getting married, which means I won't be going out with anyone anymore. So... see you in class. How was that? Needs work, huh? Well, come on. We have to tell him because we're getting married to your dad. And the perfect time to tell him is when we know he's not home. Daniel? Oh hi. I thought maybe I'd get your voice mail. No, no, no... don't come here. I'll come to you. So where are you? What are you camping outside my door? This is just one of the things we won't have to put up with when we get married.

Camden's House - Kitchen

David: We're gonna set our hamsters free.

Kevin: You can't do that. They can't survive on their own.

Sam: Oh, then we'll just give 'em to you.

David: We don't them anymore.

Sam: They make a mess.

David: And they don't anything but run on the wheel.

Kevin: Well you can't just get rid of 'em. You're like their daddies.

David: Our dad left us with you, so we're gonna leave our hamsters with you, too.

Kevin: But your dad and your mom are coming back to get you.

David: We'll come back and get the hamsters one day.

Sam: Yeah, one day. And we'll visit.

Kevin: Hey guys...

Sam/David: Think about it.

Kevin: Think about it. Did they just say "think about it" to me?

Lucy: Don't do anything crazy.

Kevin: Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.

Jane: Morning.

Kevin: Good morning.

Margaret: Morning.

Lucy: Good morning.

Margaret: Good morning.

Lucy: So Jane, um... I understand from Kevin that you've decided to get a divorce.

Jane: Yeah. No big deal. I don't want to be married.

Lucy: Why didn't you think about that before you got married? A... and your husband, he doesn't want to be married, either?

Jane: Well he'll get over it. I told him he could keep my picture in his wallet. But... he asked! And, I'll write to him. I'll e-mail him. We're gonna be friends. It's no big deal.

Lucy: I don't have time to discuss this right now. Where's T-Bone? I... I've got to get down to the church and I told him I'd drop him off at The Promenade.

Jane: How would we know where T-Bone is? He's gone. Okay? I called his mother and he left.

Lucy: You did what?

Jane: I called his mother. She wasn't that hard to find. She's under "new listings" in Vegas.

Lucy: Why?

Jane: Why? Because she's new. She just moved there.

Lucy: N... Why did you call her?

Jane: Obviously we're all gonna have to get out of here. I just thought I would check her out. She sounds nice. She's been worried about him. She wants him home.

Lucy: No one has to leave. You don't have to leave.

Scotland - Ruthie's Room

Ruthie: Mom!

Annie: Ruthie! Oh...

Ruthie: Where's dad?

Annie: Oh, he's a little tired from the trip, honey. I thought we should spend some time together.

Ruthie: Allright. Well, just promise me you're not gonna try and force me to come home just because dad's having heart problems again.


Lucy: T-Bone, I... I can't accept your letter of resignation.

T-Bone: I didn't know what else to call it. I'm resigning as an honorary Camden due to unforeseen circumstances, like Jane butting into my life. I mean, not that I didn't deserve it. I guess telling Kevin who she was hiding from was not my smartest move, especially since I promised to keep it to myself. Although, I believer Margaret would have ratted her out on her own.

Lucy: So that's what this is all about? She said that she thought you were all gonna have to move so she was just trying to help you by finding your mother for you.

T-Bone: Okay, first of all... Jane... is a liar. She's pretty, but she lies. And secondly my mom knows where I work, so she could have found me without Jane telling her I was staying with you and Kev. Because thirdly she didn't lose me, she left me.

Lucy: Well she told Jane that she got a job and she had to move and you didn't want to move with her.

T-Bone: Is that what Jeannie said? That's her name, Jeannie. I used to have to call her Jeannie so that no one knows she has a son. So she has work. That's just great. Yeah, she's an escort. Or... that's what she calls herself, an escort. That's why she thought Vegas would be good for her career.

Lucy: I'm... I'm so sorry T-Bone. I... I didn't know. You never told me about her.

T-Bone: According to her, I'm the reason that she went into the field of work that she went into. She was a single mother. What was she to do? Get an honest job that pays minimum wage? Maybe work two jobs? Of course not! That would require a regular schedule, a commitment, living on a budget. Accepting that we could be ordinary hard-working Americans. That's not the life for her.

Lucy: You don't ever have to move back in with your mother. I mean we'll take care of you. And if any point my mom and dad can't, you know Kevin and I will. We're licensed foster parents, too.

T-Bone: Well thank you for caring about me when you have so much going on in your own life. But... my mother is not signing me over to the foster care system. Nor would she. Nor would she ever hand me over to you or your father because either of those things would mean that she's officially a bad mother.

Lucy: Well I mean you wouldn't have to be in foster care and she wouldn't have to sign you over to anyone. You could... just declare yourself an adult.

T-Bone: What?

Lucy: It's called emancipation.

T-Bone: What do you mean? I can just declare myself an adult and she can't do anything about it? That's... that's possible.

Lucy: Yeah, you could become emancipated. You know if... if you have a good reason.

T-Bone: I don't just have a good reason. I have many good reasons. I could legally free myself from my own mother.

Camden's House - Jane's Room

Kevin: So we go to legal aid today?

Jane: Yep.

Kevin: And your husband's meeting you there?

Jane: Yep.

Kevin: You don't want to think about it?

Jane: Thought about it. I just wished that I had thought about it before I married him.

Kevin: He seems like a nice guy.

Jane: No, he is and that's why I married him.

Kevin: Well maybe you should give it a while longer.

Jane: I can't. If we don't get a divorce now he'll be taking off for Iraq. Then I'll be all tied in with the Army. And people will be wanting me to fill out forms and go to meetings like I'm a member of some big club.

Kevin: Yes, you are a member of some big club. It's called the United States Army and you joined when you got married.

Jane: Well I'm un-joining. And now that I know that my soon to be ex-husband won't be showing up in the middle of the night, Margaret and I will get out of your way. So thank you, very much.

Margaret: Bye. Thank you.

Kevin: Wait. Margaret, don't you have anything to say about Jane getting a divorce?

Jane: Why would she have anything to say about it?

Kevin: I mean she must have an opinion about it. What do you think, Margaret?

Jane: Margaret doesn't have opinions. That's why we're friends.

Margaret: True.

Kevin: You have no opinion about anything? So you have no opinion about Jane tracking down T-Bone's mother and then calling her either?

Margaret: Might be good. Might be bad.

Kevin: Good or bad, I don't think it was really right for Jane to call her. T-Bone doesn't want any contact with his mother.

Jane: Hey, I really didn't want to have any contact with my husband either, but it got forced upon me. And the kid has a mother. I was just trying to find out why he wasn't with her. He's gonna need a place to go, too.

Kevin: What? What do mean he's gonna need a place too? What are you talking about?

Jane: Look, we're not stupid. We know we can't just stay here. Ruthie's coming back and everyone's gonna find out about Reverend Camden and things are gonna change. Big time. And if you don't believe that then you're just in denial just like your wife. Look, let's go.

Kevin: Wait, wait. Where the heck you think you're going with those hamsters?

Jane: Chill former po-po. We're not stealing them. Sam and David asked us to take them. They need a home, too.

Kevin: But if you don't have a home, how are you gonna give the hamster a home?

Jane: Plenty of people live in cars. I'm sure the hamsters won't mind.

Kevin: One, put the hamsters down, you're not taking them. They belong to Sam and David whether they want them or not. And two, no one's in denial here. We all know it's going to be tough, but we'll figure it out along the way. We don't make commitments to people and then back out on them. We're not like you.

Jane: Didn't you tell me that your father passed away when you were in high school?

Kevin: Yeah.

Jane: Yeah. Well... mine did, too.

Margaret: I didn't make any commitments to the hamsters.

Kevin: Don't go any father then the garage apartment!

Sandy's Apartment

Sandy: Wow. Daniel go away. I can't talk anymore. I have to get ready for my wedding.

Mac: It's me. I'm the best man. Uh, hi. Sandy?

Sandy: Yeah.

Mac: We've never met. I used to be Martin's best friend. He found out that I was in town visiting my dad this weekend and... he invited me to the wedding. He also invited me to be the best man if that's okay with you. Mac. Nice to meet you.

Sandy: Oh, uh... nice to meet you, too. Come in.

Mac: Uh... Martin said that he was gonna meet me here after the game. Is this a bad time? Were you just yelling at some guy?

Sandy: No, not a bad time... exactly. Not really. I just... I broke up with my boyfriend.

Mac: That's good... especially if you're getting married.

Sandy: Yeah. (laughs) Come in.

Scotland - Ruthie's Room

Ruthie: It's just that I really wish you guys had called first.

Annie: Well I guess we could have but your dad said that he e-mailed you.

Ruthie: I know, but by the time I got the e-mail it was too late. You guys had already left.

Annie: Honey, didn't I explain to you that you... your dad is having some heart problems.

Ruthie: Yeah, I know. And I feel really badly that he's not feeling well. But mom, he's always going to have heart problems. And well this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.

Annie: I guess I uh... I'm suffering from jet lag because I feel so... irritable or confused. Yes, maybe that's it... confusion. Uh... I'm gonna go back to the hotel and get some rest. See you tonight for dinner. Oh and, you think about this. Scotland is always going to be here. I'll see you later, Ruthie.

Ruthie: They just don't get it.

Kinkirk's House / Scotland - Ruthie's Room

Lucy: I'm still upset with you that you called everyone and told them that mom and dad are getting a divorce. I'm... I'm certainly not gonna let you get on the phone with them and tell them that he's sick!

Ruthie: Well don't you think they should know?

Lucy: Well I think dad should tell me when he's ready to tell them. I think the idea was that you come home with them and then we all get together and talk.

Ruthie: Well yeah, but we could all get on the phone and talk right now.

Lucy: No, we couldn't. Matt and Mary and Simon don't know anything. And you know what? Dad didn't want to tell you over the phone. So you're not gonna tell anyone over the phone. Okay, Ruthie?

Ruthie: I have plans. And for Thanksgiving I was gonna party with all the American kids over at this pub where we go where the owner's cooking a turkey for us. And then for Christmas we were all going skiing in Switzerland. I've never been to Switzerland!

Lucy: What? Wh... You don't ski!

Ruthie: Well I might learn how if I could get to Switzerland.

Lucy: That's not what's important right now. Skiing? Switzerland? Uh... that's not what's important at all right now

Ruthie: It is important... It's important to me. I mean no one even cares about me or how this crisis is affecting my life.

Lucy: You know we're... we're not gonna continue paying for this anymore. We shouldn't have paid for it in the first place. Uh... we just wanted to encourage you to be your own person and to take interests outside your own little world and... And now...! Now it seems as if you've completely forgotten where you came from and... and who your family is. You know we love you, Ruthie.

Ruthie: I know. And I love you, too. But... Mary is not going to give up her family and come home. And Matt is not going to give up his practice and his family and come home. And Simon is not gonna drop out of his last year of college and come home. So why do I have to?

Lucy: Because you can and because he wants you to.

Ruthie: I have to go to dinner. Bye.

Lucy: Wait... Um... it's their first dinner in Scotland so... why don't you take them to the... the pub where the owner knows you?

Ruthie: Because?

Lucy: Because I have a feeling that that's a good place for you to be.

Ruthie: Okay, thanks.

Lucy: Bye. And c... call me and tell them that everything is find and... and they don't have to worry about a thing.

Ruthie: Bye.

Kinkirk's House

Lucy: What are we gonna do with her? Yeah.

Sandy's Apartment

Mac: So how is this gonna work? Martin's gonna quit school and move in with you guys? Not you and your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend... you and the baby, Aaron.

Sandy: Yeah, I got that. And quit school? I don't think Martin's planning on quitting school. He has his scholarship and baseball and everything.

Mac: So you'd be married, living separately? Do people do that?

Sandy: People do that all the time.

Mac: I'm only nineteen. I don't know a whole lot about this. It just doesn't... sound married to me. Then again my parents were divorced and they were never happily married. So I guess I don't know a whole lot about it.

Sandy: (laughs)

Mac: Is it gonna be a conjugal marriage?

Sandy: A what?

Mac: Are you two, you know gonna... sleep together?

Sandy: Why would you ask me that?

Mac: I don't know. We were just talking. I figured I'd ask.

Sandy: Did Martin ask you to ask me that?

Mac: Maybe.

Sandy: Well I hadn't really thought about it to tell you the truth.

Mac: Okay, well now that you're thinking about, is it gonna be like a real marriage would be even if you didn't have the baby already?

Sandy: I guess so. Yeah. He wanted you to find out if we were going to...

Mac: He's a nice guy. He didn't want to assume anything.

Sandy: He is a nice guy.

Mac: Too nice to marry just because you need an excuse to break up with another guy, don't you think?

Sandy: Okay, he asked me to marry him.

Mac: Yeah, I know.

Sandy: He's not having second thoughts, is he?

Mac: Even if he was, he'd still go through with it.

Sandy: Is he having second thoughts?

Mac: I just think that he was a little concerned that you were dating someone.

Sandy: Well now I'm not. And that's what he wanted isn't it? He wanted me not to date anyone else?

Mac: Right.

Sandy: Wait a minute. He isn't marrying me just to make sure that I'm not dating anyone else, is he?

Mac: Does it really matter why you guys are getting married? I mean... if you guys want to get married, I say you should get married. But then again if neither one of you want to get married then...

Camden's House - Sam and David's Room

Kevin: Look, I want to talk to you about the hamsters.

David: Do you have to?

Kevin: Yes, I have to.

Sam: We don't want 'em. We gave 'em to Jane.

Kevin: That's what I want to talk to you about. I feel very strongly that you keep them. You adopted them. You keep them.

David: We didn't adopt them. We bought them.

Sam: Dad bought them.

David: And you're not our dad.

Kevin: Your dad would tell you the same thing.

David: Call him. Ask him. Maybe you're wrong.

Kevin: I think I can handle this one on my own. Thank you. You're keeping the hamsters.

Sam: Why?

Kevin: You don't take in any living thing and then just dump it out when you're tired of it. You have a responsibility to the hamster to take care of it.

Sam: We can take it to the animal shelter.

Kevin: Yes. That would be an option if you had some good reason why you couldn't keep them, but you don't have a good reason. You're just bored and they're too much trouble, and that's not right.

David: They're just rats.

Kevin: Rats with names. You're keeping them.


T-Bone: Hey. Hey! Don't you just walk passed me after you attempted to ruin my life!

Jane: I wasn't trying to ruin your life. I was just curious about your mother.

T-Bone: Oh really? Just curious?

Jane: You're gonna need a place to stay eventually, moron!

T-Bone: I see... you were trying to help me. Researching the best place to put me if my current situation fails. What am I, your new cause? Have all the endangered species suddenly started multiplying? Is global warming reversing itself? Vegetarians taking over the world? Or are you just trying to find out something about me that I didn't want to tell you, trying to get back at me for telling Lucy and Kevin that you're married?

Margaret: Yeah.

T-Bone: Yeah. This is all just her trying to get back at me.

Jane: No, it's not. It's not the only reason. And... and... and why is everyone yelling at me today?! I'm supposed to be the one in the middle of a divorce.

T-Bone: Supposed to be?

Jane: He didn't show up!

T-Bone: And so you're not getting a divorce? Isn't he leaving for Iraq?

Jane: What do you care?

T-Bone: You know what? I don't! I don't have time for your problems, because I too am going through a divorce of sorts. I'm getting a divorce from my mother, your... your new friend, Jeannie. We're splitting up, just so you know. I'm filing for emancipation. Free to be me. So uh... if you decide to call her again, will you pass that along to her?

Margaret: Emancipation?

T-Bone: I'm going to have myself declared an adult.

Jane: Big deal! It doesn't mean that you're an adult.

T-Bone: It is a big deal. Do you have any idea why I don't care if my mother ever shows up here again? Huh? No! Of course not! And I would tell you, but it's none of your business Miss Curious! So, I'll leave you with this... You're an idiot. You know that?

Jane: No, you're the idiot. I don't care what Lucy and Kevin are telling us. Eventually you're gonna have to move out of the Camdens' house. Hey, we're all gonna have to move. The Camdens can't keep us when Reverend Camden doesn't have that long to live! Don't you get that?! Reverend Camden isn't going to be around much longer!!!!

Scotland Pub

Eric: Ruthie... (laughs) Oh, it's so good to see you.

Ruthie: Dad, it's so good to see you, too. You look good.

Eric: Thanks. I uh... I feel good.

Ruthie: Great. Welcome to Edinburough. Where's mom?

Eric: You know I... I told her I'd love a night to see you by myself. I... I... I thought we should talk.

Camden's House - Living Room

Jeannie: Oh, T-Bone's a good boy. But uh... he... he has problems.

Lucy: What kind of problems?

Jeannie: He refused to move when I had to move for my job and I couldn't physically drag him with me. So I thought when the rent ran out and the landlord kicked him out of the apartment he'd come to his senses, get on a bus and come to Vegas. And I know it's not easy changing high schools, a new junior year but we... we have to do what we have to do.

Kevin: T-Bone claims you ran off and left him in the apartment and left no forwarding address.

Jeannie: I'm not surprised. But obviously he could have found me. My number is listed. I couldn't call him back once he was out of the apartment. He doesn't have a cell phone.

Kevin: I see.

Lucy: Um... what field of work did you say you were in?

Jeannie: I work at a hotel.

Kevin: A hotel?

Jeannie: Mm hm. Management training. You know I hope you don't mind if I tell you that Kevin, your husband, you look awful familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?

Kevin: Possibly. I used to be a police officer. And you look familiar, too. Maybe we do know each other.

Jeannie: What does that mean?

Kevin: It means... I might know you from jail to be blunt.

Lucy: Um T-Bone said you're in some kind of... escort business.

Jeannie: (laughs) Did he? Well he's mistaken. So you said that you had something you wanted to talk to me about?

Lucy: Yeah. Oh... (cell phone rings) Sorry. Um... I suggested to T-Bone that it might be to his benefit to file for emancipation, declare himself an adult.

Jeannie: Can he do that? (cell phone rings)

Lucy: Um... yes he could, and if he does... you would legally not be responsible for him. So it... it might be to your benefit too.

Jeannie: Well I have no objection to that. That's fine with me. (cell phone rings)

Lucy: Oh, I'll be right back.

Jeannie: Shut up.

Camden's House - Kitchen

Lucy: Where... where did you hear that? No, no, it's not true. He's in Scotland. But... no, no, no, no... no, he's not in Scotland for medical treatment. He went there to visit my sister, Ruthie. Uh... you know what? Could you hold on for just a moment? (call waiting rings) Hello? Yes. No, no, no, no... he... he's fine. He's absolutely fine. He's on vacation. He and my mom went to visit my sister, Ruthie, in Scotland. (call waiting rings) I'm sorry, I've got someone calling on the other line. Kevin? Um... Hello? Hello? Are... are you there? Someone told everyone that dad is sick. Who could have done that? No, it can't be Ruthie. It ca... it can't be.

Scotland Pub

Ruthie: So this means that you're going to have surgery or something?

Eric: I don't think that's an option. I don't even know what the options are or even if there are any options. I... I... I just had a few weeks to sit with this news and... it's pretty scary. I don't... I don't know what I want to do.

Ruthie: Well you're not going to die.

Eric: Well Ruthie, some day I guess I am.

Ruthie: Some day, but not... anytime soon. You can't. You mean too much to too many people. God won't let you die.

Eric: Well that's the kind of attitude I hope everyone in our house has for the next few months. Ruthie, I... I just... I really want you at home right now.

Ruthie: Well don't you think that that's kind of selfish?

Eric: I... beg your pardon?

Ruthie: Dad, you've lived with heart problems for years now. And you're probably gonna spend the rest of your life living with heart problems. That doesn't mean that I should come home and watch you have heart problems, does it?

Eric: Uh... n... no. I... uh... I... I gu... I guess not. But you know on the other hand I want you to come home and I need you to come home. And the entire family needs you to come home. So... I'm afraid that uh... as your parent I'm gonna make a decision for you that you're not gonna be happy with. You're coming home, Ruthie. You're coming home with me and your mom. Now life isn't always about you. Sometimes it's about other people. Sometimes even about... your parents and your family. I... I... I just need my family around me right now. I don't care if you think that's selfish. Fine, I'm selfish. I get to be selfish. I'm the one who's in need right now and I need you home. I... I mean I could leave this decision up to you but you're... sixteen and... I'm afraid you might regret it later. So, I'll decide for you.

Ruthie: You really think you can decide for me?

Eric: If you can't make the right decision yourself, then yeah. Yes, I can.

Dairy Shack

T-Bone: I hope you don't think you can just publicly announce Reverend Camden's impending demise and then go back and stay at the garage apartment tonight!

Jane: Not that that's what we were planning on doing, but we can if we want to. We were invited. In fact we were practically told to stay there by Kevin. And they don't know that I said anything.

T-Bone: They may not know anything right now, but believe me... they'll find out.

Jane: How?

T-Bone: You don't think people are gonna call them and ask if Reverend Camden's allright?

Jane: People don't just call people and ask them if a family member is dying.

Margaret: They might.

Jane: Look, even if they do... there's no reason that they would think that they found out from us.

T-Bone: Us? You mean, you!

Jane: No, I mean us. If you hadn't been screaming at me about calling your mother I wouldn't have been screaming at you.

Customer: Excuse me. Can I just get a burger, please?

Margaret: No.

Jeannie: Well... look who's here.

T-Bone: Hi.

Jeannie: Oh... is that the best you can do for your mother after all these months?

T-Bone: Yeah Mom, this is the best I can do. I'm doing my best. We're all doing the best we can for who we are.

Jeannie: I hear that um you want to divorce me, declare yourself an adult.

T-Bone: You want to talk?

Jeannie: Yes, let's talk. Something we have in common, we both like to talk.

Camden's House - Sam and David's Room

David: I can't wait until mom and dad get home.

Sam: Yeah, they'll let us get rid of the hamsters.

David: Yeah, they'll understand. I don't know why Kevin wants us to keep them.

Sam: Me neither. We don't have time for them.

Lucy: Hey guys. Just wanted to say good night.

David/Sam: Good night.

Lucy: You know if mom and dad were here they'd be telling you the same thing that Kevin and I are telling you about the hamsters. You really should take care of them. You promised you'd take care of them. And you don't want to get in the habit of breaking promises, especially if that promise involves taking care of something that's so helpless. You know those little guys are counting on you.

David: But why can't someone else do it?

Lucy: That's a question that a lot of people ask. Why can't someone else do what I don't want to do? But that's the wrong question. The question is, why can't you do it? Why can't you be responsible and do the right thing? And the answer is, you can. I know you can, because you learned to be responsible and do the right thing from mom and dad, from day one, the day that you were born. And you're lucky that way. We're all lucky that way. You know you two, me and Ruthie and Simon and Mary and... and Matt... you know we don't always want to do the right thing, but eventually... we just have to because that's who we are. We're people who know right from wrong. And you know we have the ability to make up our minds and to do the right thing. Always. So, right here and now I want you two to make up your minds to do the right thing and to keep the hamsters and to take really good care of them.

David: Okay.

Sam: Okay.

David: It's just that...

Lucy: It's just that what?

David: Isn't dad sick? Isn't he gonna need us to take care of him?

Lucy: Hh... is that why you want to get rid of the hamsters? So that you can take care of dad?

Sam: Yes. We hear things.

David: You know, we're not stupid.

Lucy: Not only are we gonna take care of dad. We're also gonna take care of each other and anyone else who needs us to help take care of them, including the hamsters. You know God isn't gonna give us any challenge that we can't handle. And hey, we're Camdens, right? Everything's gonna be fine no matter what happens. Everything'll be fine.


T-Bone: It's not that I don't love you, it's just I don't love your life. And I don't want your life ruining my life anymore.

Jeannie: Where will you live? What will you do for money?

T-Bone: Why are you concerned about that now?

Jeannie: I have always been concerned about it. I have been concerned about it for sixteen years.

T-Bone: Seventeen.

Jeannie: Whatever. Theodore, these months, these past few months have been really hard.

T-Bone: Yes, they have. Not that all the months before these past few months were any easier.

Jeannie: You don't know what it's like trying to be a single parent. Trying to support a child and care for a child and work at the same time.

T-Bone: Don't I? I think I do. I think I know all too well. And it wasn't my choice to be brought into your lousy life. Your decisions created the life we had together. You made the choice to have a baby, to have me, to raise me like you did. I mean maybe it wasn't a conscience choice, but...

Jeannie: No, it certainly wasn't. I wasn't thinking about having a baby. It just happened. And maybe I should have decided to let someone adopt you.

T-Bone: Oh... if only. Would have been so selfless.

Jeannie: Get the papers. I'll sign anything.

T-Bone: Thank you. Thank you for that.

Jeannie: But you know you can't live at the Camdens. Apparently there's some problem, something with Reverend Camden.

T-Bone: You know what? I'll take my chances. I'll stay as long as they'll let me. I'll do whatever I can for them while I'm there. And I'll hope that eventually... everything will be fine. Reverend Camden always says, "Everything will be fine". And look, everything is fine. Good night Jeannie. Be in touch.

Jeannie: Good night, kiddo. Good luck.

Jane: Sorry.

T-Bone: Someone saying something?

Margaret: She's sorry.

Jane: I was just angry at you when I called her.

T-Bone: I guess I can accept your apology. I mean everything turned out okay. I have a... what is it, closure?

Jane: Yeah. I wish I had closure. I'm married.

Margaret: Kind of.

Jane: Was that a comment?

Margaret: No.

Jane: Oh... I'm such a loser... and I'm homeless again. I'm a homeless loser.

Margaret: You may be homeless but... for the first time in my life I feel like I have a home. My mom was so abused by my dad that eventually she was brain damaged. And Social Services stepped in to save me, but by then... I was fourteen. I was really too old to be adopted. So I started out bouncing from one home to another. I mean because I... I didn't really have much to say. And people thought I was mental! When really I just... I didn't want to say the wrong thing and get hit like my mom! And so I didn't really fit in and I went from one family to another family to another family. And then the Social workers started preparing me to go out into the world, 'cause I was turning eighteen. And so I got a job and I started doing things like opening up bank accounts, which I totally don't understand. Although... I made really good grades in school 'cause all I did was study. So I... I think I could get into college. But I... I was too afraid to really try it because I'm... I'm sort of socially unaware. Although one day... I hope to be... to become a teacher. I'm going back to the Camdens.

T-Bone: Me, too.

Jane: Hey, anybody want a ride?

Sandy's Apartment

Sandy: So Aaron's still sleeping, but if he doesn't get up in a minute, I'll go wake him up.

Martin So...

Sandy: So...

Martin: We're not gonna get married.

Sandy: I don't think so.

Martin: Good. But I would like to uh... go to church.

Sandy: Me, too. And again, I'm sorry.

Martin: I think its okay. I don't mind being the excuse for you breaking up with Daniel. I don't even care if you let him think we got married.

Sandy: Thanks. I just... I didn't know what to do and I took the easy way out. It was wrong. And I don't mind if you really don't want to marry me.

Martin: Well not now. I don't want to marry you at some stupid 24-hour chapel like a couple of teenagers running away from home. I want us to get married someday when it's right. When all our friends and family can be there and Reverend Camden can marry us.

Sandy: Do you really think he and Mrs. Camden are gonna get divorced?

Martin: I kinda doubt it but... something's going on. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

Sandy: I really want him to marry us... or Lucy.

Martin: Either one. I'm just so relieved we decided to do the right thing.

Sandy: I think it takes practice, you know doing the right thing.

Martin: Yeah, but... we'll get there.

Sandy: We will.

Mac: I am so happy I could be a part of this. I haven't seen a responsible decision in such a long time, I'd almost forgotten what it looked like. It was very nice meeting you, Sandy. Martin, good to see you again. Keep in touch. Congratulations.

Sandy/Martin: (laughs)

Mac: You, too. Congratulations.

Martin: I believe these are for you.

Sandy: Thank you... for everything. (phone rings) I'm not going to answer that.

Camden's House - Kitchen

Lucy: Sandy, hi... I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you, we've got so many things going on here. My mom and dad are in Scotland and Kevin and I are taking care of Sam and David. And we've got houseguests.

Lucy: So I... I'm sorry I... I didn't mean to abandon you, but I also know that you're capable of taking care of yourself when you need to. Huh... and I've got to get to church. I've got Sunday school this morning. And of course, I'm giving the sermon this week. So um... I'll call you his afternoon... Uh, but I need to tell you something, so... You know what? Call me. I... I just want to let you know that I'm... I'm thinking about you. You know you and Aaron. And I hope everything's okay. Um... so talk to you later. Okay, bye. Uh... You're going to church, the... the three of you?

T-Bone: I invited 'em. I hope you don't mind.

Lucy: Of course I don't mind. I need the support.

Jane: I thought maybe I could help.

Lucy: With?

Jane: I could say that I lied when I yelled out what I yelled out at The Promenade.

Lucy: But you didn't, not exactly anyway. You just went with the worst-case scenario. So, I'm just gonna tell the congregation that dad's having some heart problems because that's the truth. And I'm also gonna tell 'em that he's fine right now, because that's also the truth. And you know what? Maybe it's best that you did say something, you know so the news can get out and people can settle down before he gets back. You know maybe if we give people a little time you know it might make things easier on him.

T-Bone: What about Matt and Mary and Simon?

Lucy: I talked to them. They're... they're kinda prepared. And Kevin took Savannah and Sam and David for a drive to tell Simon face to face. So if and when dad wants to get us all together it won't be one of those gatherings where everybody falls apart. It'll be one where we stick together because right now we just... we have to stay strong... all of us, and that includes the three of you.

Jane: I'm in.

T-Bone: I'm in.

Margaret: I'm in.

Lucy: Well okay. Let's go.

Scotland - Ruthie's Room

Ruthie: Mom!

Annie: I thought I'd stop by to see if you needed any help packing.

Ruthie: What makes you so sure I'm packing?

Annie: You're my daughter. We are really proud of you. You've really done well here. I'm sorry that we need you to come home, but... we really do.

Ruthie: I know, Mom.

Annie: So, what's going on with your boyfriend?

Ruthie: I don't know. I'm not really sure if he was my boyfriend. I think he was more like a friend. And to be honest I don't really know if I want a boyfriend right now. I mean I don't want to just go from one boyfriend to another boyfriend to another to another until I happen to stumble upon a husband. I... I think I'd like to just hang out for a while, see what happens.

Annie: So you weren't trying to say here because of a guy?

Ruthie: No. I wanted to be here because of me. I love our family, but... I also love being thousands of miles away from our family. I just don't know if I'm strong enough to be around him right now, Mom.

Annie: Oh Ruthie, it's all going to be fine. It's all going to be fine. It has to be. Come on, your dad's waiting outside. Give us a tour of Edinborough. We want to see your school and meet your friends. And we want you to know that you can come back here. We'll help you, Ruthie. If this is where you want to be, then one day... not now, but one day. 

Fait par moran50

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