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#921 : Joies et déceptions (1/2)

Après avoir découvert que Mary a demandé le divorce et qu'elle a refusé la garde de son fils, Matt se demande comment annoncer la nouvelle à Eric et Annie. Simon informe sa nouvelle petite amie, Rose, qu'il ne couchera pas avec elle, mais il évite de lui dire pourquoi. Elle en a marre de lui mais finit par revenir quand elle découvre ses vraies intentions : Le mariage. Eric se retrouve de nouveau confronté aux enfants Davis. Le petit garçon Danny va être adopté par un couple, George Smith et Gwen. Ils doivent se débrouiller quand ils apprennent que Danny à 3 soeurs aux services sociaux, et qu'il aimerait qu'elles viennent avec lui. Kevin en a un peu marre de Lucy parce qu'il est frustré qu'ils n'aient pas encore déménagé de chez les Camden. Lucy négocie l'achat d'une maison avec un agent immobilier. 


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Mi familia (1/2)

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Joies et déceptions (1/2)

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Eric (Stephen Collins) & Annie (Catherine Hicks)

Eric (Stephen Collins) & Annie (Catherine Hicks)

Eric & Annie

Eric & Annie

Simon Camden (David Gallagher)

Simon Camden (David Gallagher)

Simon & Rose (Sarah Thompson)

Simon & Rose (Sarah Thompson)

Simon & Rose

Simon & Rose

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Sue Tenney 
Réalisé par : Joel J. Feigenbaum 

Avec : Katie Cassidy (Zoe), Megan Henning (Meredith Davis), Carlos Ponce (Carlos Rivera), Sarah Thompson (Rose), Brad Maule (George Smith) 

Guests :

  • Drake Johnston ..... Danny Davies
  • Kelly Lynn Warren ..... Infirmière 
  • Kimberly Scott ..... Greta
  • Lauren Storm ..... Christina Davis 
  • Alyssa Spradley ..... Kelly Davis

Camden's house - Garage Apartment

Ruthie: I'm glad your dad is finally coming home from Iraq.

Martin: I still can't believe it.

Ruthie: I'm gonna miss having you around.

Martin: Hey, I'll just be across the street.

Ruthie: So are the renters movin' out of your aunt's house?

Martin: (nods)

Martin: And my dad and I are moving in.

Ruthie: It's gonna be weird not having you around all the time.

Martin: Yeah, I'm gonna miss living here, too


Eric: George... how are ya'?

George: Oh, as a matter of fact, I couldn't be better.

Eric: It's been a long time... too long.

George: Gwen and I have been busy.

Eric: You have?

George: Yes, we signed up for one of the church's foster care information classes last year.

Eric: Oh, that's great.

George: And we went through the process and we became licensed foster parents.

Eric: Well, you have been busy.

George: We just got word yesterday that all our paperwork has gone through and we've been cleared to take a placement, a child, so now all we have to do is find a child.

Eric: Foster parents... I am... I am really happy for you.

George: Well, actually, we're becoming foster parents with the hopes of adopting. Ever since Cecilia left for college, the house just seems so empty and we have so much room and Gwen and I thought, well you know, there has to be a child out there somewhere who wants parents, and here were are, parents who want a child.

Eric: Good for you, for both of you.

George: We just started looking. It may take a while to find the right placement, but you know, we don't want a baby; we want an older child, a boy.

Eric: What age are you thinking?

George: Maybe nine or ten.

Eric: I think might have the perfect child for you.

George: You do.

Eric: Yeah, I do.

George: Well, then it was very good luck that we ran into each other.

Simon's Apartment

Answering Machine: (beeps)

Rose on Answering Machine: Simon, it's Rose. Call me.

Answering Machine: (beeps)

Rose on Answering Machine: Simon, it's me again. Okay, you're not there, well, just call me as soon as you get home.

Answering Machine: (beeps)

Rose on Answering Machine: Did you have to work tonight? Sorry, I just want to talk to you.

Answering Machine: (beeps)

Rose on Answering Machine: Me again... last time, I swear, but I just remembered that you aren't working. So where are you? What's going on with us? And why won't you call me back?

Answering Machine: (beeps)

Answering Machine: Your messages have been deleted.

New York Hospital

Nurse: I'm curious, do you ever work when you're at work, or is this just a place to make phone calls and study?

Matt: Actually, I, I work in between the phone calls and studying.

Nurse: Matt, here... some guy named Carlos called for you... twice... left this number.

Matt: My brother-in-law called.

Nurse: Oh, let me consult my crystal ball. I don't know who your brother-in-law is, but this Carlos spoke with a Spanish accent and the message was for you to come by the apartment as soon as you could and call if you couldn't. He said it was important.

Matt: Sounds like my brother-in-law... at least I hope he's still my brother-in-law.

Camden's House - Kevin and Lucy's Room

Lucy: Stop slamming all the drawers. I just put Savannah down.

Kevin: Where are my t-shirts?

Lucy: In the closet.

Kevin: What are my t-shirts doing in the closet?

Lucy: Well, we don't have enough room in here for all of our stuff and Savannah's stuff. And the older Savannah gets the more stuff she has. So I'm storing some of our things in the closet.

Kevin: I don't see any of your stuff stored in the closet.

Lucy: (shrugs)

Kevin: And Savannah is a baby and has one room all to herself. You and I are two grown adults and we're sharing a room. Why can't we store things in Savannah's room?

Lucy: I don't want to crowd her.

Kevin: You don't want to crowd her?

Lucy: (shakes head)

Kevin: And us? What about us? Do I have to want until Savannah goes to college before I get more living space?

Lucy: We're not going to live here forever. We're gonna move. I want to move. I do.

Kevin: Don't tease.

Lucy: I'm not teasing.

Kevin: Look, you've said that we're gonna move before... a couple weeks ago as a matter of fact and well, we're still here, aren't we?

Lucy: What do I have to do to prove to you that I want to move?

Kevin: You're serious?

Lucy: Yes...

Kevin: Okay, then I'll call the realtor right now and get some new listings.

Lucy: No...

Kevin: I knew it.

Lucy: We're moving. You, me and Savannah, we're a family and we need a home of our own. But, this time around, I wanna be totally involved, I wanna call the realtor and get the listings.

Camden's House - Kitchen

Annie: Well, aren't you happy. Why are you happy?

Eric: Uhm... no, I don't want to jinx it by talking about it, but if everything works out, it will be further proof that God truly does work in mysterious ways.

Annie: Hey, I made your favorite sandwiches... peanut butter and bananas.

Sam/David: (shrugs)

Annie: What is going on with you two? You've been moping around the house all week.

Sam: We don't want Martin to move away.

David: He's our brother.

Sam: Yeah, and we're running out of family.

David: Why does everyone move away? Don't they like us?

Annie: Oh, your brothers and sisters and Martin they love you very much, but eventually all kids wanna move away from mommy's and daddy's home and, and make a home of their own. Believe it or not, you and Sam will want to move away too, someday.

David: No, we're gonna live with you and daddy forever, just like Lucy.

Lucy: What about me?

Sam: We're going to live here with mommy and daddy forever just like you.

Lucy: Sorry guys, Kevin and I are moving.

Annie: Really...?

Lucy: I'm calling the realtor today.

Annie: Oh, that's great, really great; I can't wait to tell Eric. I'm just happy that you and Savannah and Kevin are finally going to have a home of your own.

Lucy: Uhm... can you keep an eye on Savannah for me? Kevin hasn't officially taken over the day shift duties yet.

Annie: Oh, let me just drop the boys off at school.

Lucy: Thanks...

Annie: I've got a great idea. While you wait for me to get back, you could call the realtor.

Lucy: Mom...

Annie: Yeah...?

Lucy: Back off...

Car Horn: (honks)

Annie: Ohh...

High School - Hallway

Vincent: Hey, look I need a favor.

Martin: Okay... who you looking for?

Vincent: Ruthie...

Martin: Oh, you just missed her. She went...

Vincent: No, I'm, I'm not looking for Ruthie; I'm looking out for Ruthie. I need to talk to you alone about...

Ruthie: Hey, Vincent.

Vincent: Oh, hi...

Ruthie: Did you get my message last night?

Vincent: No...

Ruthie: I wanna make sure we were still on for tonight... our date... our first date since being punished. It's been a month.

Vincent: Right... I, I thought we had another week.

Ruthie: No... so...?

Vincent: I'll pick you up after dinner.

Martin: I have to go to class, so what favor do you need?

Vincent: What, what are you talking about?

Martin: The favor.

Vincent: I, I don't know what you're talking about.

Ruthie: Okay... what was that about?

Martin: I have no idea.

Glenoak Community Church - Church Office

Eric: George this is Danny Davis, and Danny this is the friend I told you about... George Smith.

George: It's nice to meet you, Danny.

Danny: It's nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.

George: Oh, it's George...

Danny: George...

George: And my wife had to take her mother to a doctor's appointment, so she won't be able to go out with us today, but ah, she is looking forward to meeting you very soon.

Danny: Okay...

George: So... Danny, what would you like to do?

Danny: Move in with you and your wife.

George: Why don't we have lunch and then we'll see where they day takes us?

Danny: As long as the day takes me out of the group home, fine by me.

Eric: (sighs)

Eric: Okay, okay...

Simon's Apartment

Simon: Rose...

Rose: Hello, stranger.

Simon: How did you get in?

Rose: The landlord let me in. I told him I'm your girlfriend. I am your girlfriend, aren't I?

Simon: (nods)

Rose: Then why haven't you been returning my calls? So... do you wanna tell me what's going on with you or do you want me to guess?

Carlos and Mary's Apartment

Door: (knock)

Carlos: Hey...

Matt: Got your message.

Carlos: Yeah, sorry to call you at work, I'm only in town until tomorrow.

Matt: Tomorrow... you're leaving?

Carlos: Yeah... the furniture is in storage just incase I ever decide to come back.

Matt: I take it that the trial separation is over.

Carlos: Mary and I have filed for divorce last week.

Matt: And you're leaving New York...?

Carlos: Tomorrow night.

Matt: Do you need a place to stay tonight?

Carlos: Thanks, I've got a room at hotel near the airport.

Matt: Where are you going?

Carlos: Puerto Rico...

Matt: Puerto Rico...what about your job?

Carlos: Well, I work for my father in a family business. The business is based in Puerto Rico. It will be easier for me to do my job living in Puerto Rico. I was only in New York for Mary and her job.

Matt: I wish there was something I could do or say to fix this.

Carlos: That, that... I've done it all and said it all... it's over and right now, I just need to move on. And those boxes in the corner are just, you know, some things Mary left behind. Take them or leave them or whatever; Goodwill will be here tomorrow to pickup whatever is left.

Matt: What, so, that is why you called you wanted me to pick up some of Mary's boxes.

Carlos: Yeah, that and uhm I need you to tell your parents about the divorce.

Matt: Me, why me?

Carlos: Well, because Mary should have done it, but she refused and I, I can't do it. I can't talk to your parents right now. She's your sister and it's your family, so I'm afraid your responsibility now.

Matt: Is Mary ever gonna come back from London?

Carlos: She's in Chicago.

Matt: What happened to London?

Carlos: She was training in London. The job she was training for is in Chicago.

Matt: What about Charlie?

Carlos: We can't stay together for him. And lot of kids have to deal with stuff like this. He'll be fine. He'll have me.

Matt: But, you'll be faraway, I mean, too faraway to have a real relationship with him... too faraway to be a real father to him.

Carlos: Charlie isn't gonna be faraway from me.

Matt: What's that supposed to mean? Carlos...?

Camden's House - Kitchen

Martin: Hey you two. What's up? Sam? David? Hello...

Sam: We're not talking to you.

Martin: Why is that?

David: We need to get used to you not being here.

Annie: (sighs)

Annie: They don't want you to move out.

Martin: It's just across the street.

Annie: I know, but they're six-years old, so to them across the street is across the country.

Phone: (rings)

Annie on Phone: Hello... oh, Ruthie... yeah, I think she's probably upstairs. Oh, yeah, hold on, he's right here.

Annie: It's Vincent for you.

Camden's House - Kitchen - Promenade

Martin on Phone: Hello...

Vincent on Phone: Are you alone?

Martin on Phone: Yeah...

Vincent on Phone: Good...

Martin on Phone: What is going on with you?

Vincent on Phone: I need to talk to you about Ruthie, without Ruthie knowing I'm talking to you.

Martin on Phone: I want no part of whatever you're up to. Goodbye, Vincent.


George: Did you like the movie?

Danny: No...

George: Oh, I thought you'd like it.

Danny: I don't like animation.

George: Why didn't you say something?

Danny: I thought you liked it.

George: Well, next time you speak up, okay?

Danny: Does this mean there will be a next time?

George: Absolutely...

Danny: Great... when can I move in with you and your wife?

George: I think you should meet my wife first. Make sure you like her.

Danny: Is she an alcoholic?

George: No...

Danny: Then I'm sure I'm going to like her. When can I bring my stuff over?

George: Why don't we get our ice cream and then head over to my house? Gwen, my wife, is probably home right now and you can meet her.

Danny: Now you're talking.

George: All right...

Danny: Can I ask you a favor?

George: Sure...

Danny: If your wife likes me and you guys decide to be my new foster parents... can my sister move in with us... too?

George: You have a sister?

Danny: She's in a different group home, because she's in a wheelchair.

Glenoak Community Church - Church Office / Police Station

Phone: (rings)

Lucy on Phone: Hello...

Kevin on Phone: Luce... good news, I heard from the realtor and she has some listings she wants to show us.

Lucy on Phone: The realtor called you?

Kevin on Phone: Yes... maybe... okay, I called the realtor, but it's just because I'm excited and I wanna move the process along.

Lucy on Phone: I told you, I want to handle the house buying this time around.

Kevin on Phone: You're stalling.

Lucy on Phone: We just talked about it this morning, how exactly am I stalling?

Kevin on Phone: Because I called a realtor and you haven't. That's stalling.

Lucy on Phone: I had to do some work for my dad this morning, and one of the girls in my teen empowerment class had an emergency. I'm going over some paperwork right now... but I said I would call the realtor, and I will call the realtor when I have a spare moment. You don't believe me.

Kevin on Phone: No, I don't, but could we save the fight we're about to have, and add it on to the fight we're going to have when you tell me you don't really want to move out of your parents' house?

Lucy on Phone: I will call.

Kevin on Phone: Whatever you say.

Simon's Apartment

Rose: Look, if you don't want to see me anymore, you don't have to lie, you can just break up with me.

Simon: I do want to see you. I like you, a lot.

Rose: So you like me and I like you but all of a sudden you're not returning my phone calls and now, when we are together, you're pushing me away.

Simon: I'm not pushing you away.

Rose: The last time we were alone together you practically ran out the door and now that we're alone together again, you're all nervous and weird.

Simon: Well, it's just that it seems like after a few dates, our relationship is going in a direction I'm not that comfortable with. I can't have sex with you.

Rose: Can't? What's that mean? Who's stopping you?

Simon: I am... but we don't have to have sex to date, do we?

Rose: Okay, see, to me the difference between a friend and a boyfriend is usually sex. Is this an elaborate way of saying you just wanna be friends?

Simon: No, I like you, and not like a friend but...

Rose: But you don't want to sleep with me?

Simon: Not don't... can't.

Rose: We've been talking for hours and I'm still so confused.

Simon: I want to be with you but I can't sleep with you.

Rose: Yeah, that I get... it's the "why" I'm having trouble with.

Simon: It's complicated.

Rose: I'm very intelligent.

Simon: I just can't tell you.

Rose: So you can't explain why you can't have sex with me, but you want to have sex with me?

Simon: Exactly...

Rose: Bye, Simon.

Simon: Don't go.

Rose: Then just stop with the double-talk and tell me what's going on with you. I'll see you around.

Social Services - Reception Area

Kelly: Hello... Dad.

George: Kelly?

Kelly: In the flesh.

George: You know, Danny told me you had a good sense of humor.

Kelly: He told me you didn't know about me. I can be packed in an hour.

George: I see the family resemblance.

Kelly: So you're here, does that mean that you're taking all of us?

George: "All of us?"

Kelly: Danny didn't tell you about Meredith?

George: I hope Meredith is your dog.

Kelly: We don't have a dog. Meredith is my older sister; she lives in another group home.

George: You know, Reverend Camden didn't mention that Danny had such a large family.

Camden's House - Eric's Office / New York Hospital

Phone: (rings)

Eric on Phone: Hello...

Matt on Phone: Hi, Dad.

Eric on Phone: What's wrong?

Matt on Phone: Why would you automatically assume something's wrong?

Eric on Phone: Experience...

Matt on Phone: I'm just calling to see how you are.

Eric on Phone: I'm fine. What's wrong?

Matt on Phone: Everything is fine.

Eric on Phone: Everything... meaning that not every one is fine?

Matt on Phone: I, I didn't say that.

Eric on Phone: You didn't deny it either. Are you going to tell me what's wrong? Okay, all right, great... twenty-questions, my favorite. Well, hey, let's start with you. Are, are you okay? Sarah? Sarah's parents?

Matt on Phone: All fine.

Eric on Phone: Here's an oldie but a goodie... Simon? Is there something wrong with Simon?

Matt on Phone: As far as I know, no.

Eric on Phone: Well, I know that Ruthie and Martin and Kevin and Lucy and the twins are okay... so that just leaves, oh, I don't know... Mary and Carlos? Silence equals possible yes. Have, have you heard from Carlos... Mary? Matt, enough... you already did the let's keep-the-bad-new-from-mom-and-dad-no-matter-what farce and it, it, just, it didn't work. So, if you have some bad news about Carlos and Mary just tell me.

Matt on Phone: (sighs)

Matt on Phone: Dad... I just got paged.

Eric on Phone: You're lying.

Matt on Phone: Maybe, but I've got to go.

Camden's House - Back Porch

Ruthie: I had fun tonight.

Vincent: Me, too.

Vincent: (coughs)

Vincent: I think I'm getting a cold.

Ruthie: Oh...

Vincent: Good night, Ruthie.

Camden's House - Garage Apartment

Vincent: I need you to get Ruthie to break up with me.

Martin: What?

Vincent: I need you to get Ruthie to break up with me.

Martin: You're breaking up with Ruthie... again? What is with you two?

Vincent: I'm not breaking up with Ruthie. I can't break up with her. The last time I broke up with her I made her cry and she yelled at me in the pool hall, people stared and I felt like a loser for hurting her. But, if you get her to break up with me, then she doesn't cry and yell and everybody's happy.

Martin: I'm not happy and I'm not getting involved.

Vincent: But you got us together.

Martin: So, now I have to break up two up? Nice try but I don't think so.

Vincent: Look, you say she's like a sister to you. Would you want to see your sister hurt and crying again? I don't want to upset her. Okay, I care about her.

Martin: But not enough to date her?

Vincent: I, I met somebody else.

Martin: (shakes head)

Vincent: I could meet somebody else... because... look, I'm spending the summer in Hawaii with my grandparents. And I guess, to meet someone else in Hawaii, I need to not be dating Ruthie here. So, will you help me?

Martin: No. But against my better judgment, I will help Ruthie. Although I don't know how I'm going to get her to break up with you, she really likes you.

Vincent: Just point out my bad qualities.

Martin: You really want to do this... again?

Vincent: Yeah, I do.

Martin: You should go now, because the urge to hit you is growing stronger.

Social Services - Reception Area

Meredith: Danny called. He told me the good news. He said you were going to be our new foster dad.

George: Well, I'm gonna see what I can do for you and Danny and your sister.

Meredith: And I called Christina and she really wants to meet you. She's great. She's in college on a scholarship. She's really smart. She only comes home every once in awhile now, but when we move in with you, we'll have a home where we'll all be all together so she'll probably gonna wanna come home every weekend. That's okay, right, if she comes every weekend?

George: Christina would be?

Meredith: Our eldest sister? She's in college with Simon Camden.

Camden's House - Kitchen

Lucy: Sorry I'm late. How's Savannah?

Annie: Clean, fed and asleep.

Lucy: I'm gonna go look in on her.

Annie: I talked to Kevin.

Lucy: And...?

Annie: Did you call the realtor today?

Lucy: Well, I was a little busy, but I'm going to call.

Annie: But you didn't and you were gonna move and you haven't.

Lucy: Tell me Mom, why do you want us out of the house so badly? I mean, is it really that inconvenient us living here?

Annie: Look, I don't want you to go and I'm gonna miss all of you very much when you do go. But you and Kevin...

Lucy: What about us?

Annie: You're two people living in one small room, that's stressful.

Lucy: Kevin and I are fine.

Annie: And Mary and Carlos were fine at one point, too.

Lucy: Mom, Kevin and I aren't Mary and Carlos. And, Mary and Carlos aren't on a trial separation because of real estate matters.

Annie: I already have one daughter with marital problems. I don't want to have another one, that's why I want you to move. That's why you need to move before what seems like a small problem, living here, turns into a big problem, and then who knows what would happen.

Lucy: Mom... Mary and Carlos are gonna work out their problems. Mary is Mary, but she's a mother and she's a wife, and she has responsibilities. You, you don't just wake up one day and pretend that you don't have a family. Mary will come around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go check on my daughter and then I'm gonna call the realtor, okay?

Simon's Apartment

Door: (knock)

Simon: You're back.

Rose: Are you glad?

Simon: Yeah... do you want to come in?

Rose: If I do, it's not to play board games or watch TV or hold hands.

Simon: I don't want to lose you.

Rose: So does that mean you want me to come in?

Simon: Yeah...

Rose: Simon, I think...

Camden's House - Eric's Office

George: You conned me. You're a man of God and you conned me. Isn't, isn't there some rule against that? Can a minister be a grifter? We can't take four kids. We're not prepared to do it.

Eric: It's only three.

George: Christina would like to visit on the weekends and college breaks. She called me this morning.

Eric: They're good kids.

George: They're great kids, but Gwen and I can't take them all in. We're new to foster care. We want to get our bearings, not get in over our heads. What if we took all and we couldn't handle it? And then we'd have to send them back... that would be just terrible for them and for us.

Eric: It's just that you mentioned your big, empty house, and I thought maybe you could fill it with the Davis children.

George: Look, they're all funny, sweet, energetic kids and in a perfect world, we would take them all... but Gwen and I can only do what we can do. We would still like to take Danny in, if he wants to live with us.

Eric: I'm sure he does.

George: And his sisters can come and visit and we'll take him to visit his sisters as much as he wants.

Eric: I know, I know you will.

George: It's just Eric, I... I can't tell Danny and his sisters that we're only taking Danny. Could you bring them by the church later today and help me explain?

Eric: I did get you into this; I should help get you out.

George: I'm sorry.

Eric: And I'm, I'm sorry, too.

George: No, I probably would have done the same thing if I'd been in your shoes.

Carlos and Mary's Apartment

Matt: There must be something I can do or you can do, or my family can do to stop this divorce.

Carlos: There isn't anything anyone can do.

Charlie: (whines)

Matt: I don't think this is what you want.

Carlos: This has never been about what I want. Mary is the one who left me. She's the one that moved to London, she's the one who doesn't want to be married. She's the one who doesn't want to be a mom. Okay, so don't blame me because I'm just the idiot who fell in love with her and married her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

Charlie: (cries)

Carlos: I have done everything I can and I've waited longer than most would have waited. Mary wants what she wants and apparently, she doesn't want me or Charlie anymore.

Matt: Sorry, it's, it's just, that this isn't how we were raised. We don't run away from responsibility.

Carlos: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, too. I want to yell at Mary, not you.

Matt: Yeah, maybe I could talk to Mary; she listens to me... sometimes.

Carlos: And what would you say to her? Grow up... be responsible... be an adult... hey, be a mother... honor your wedding vows. She won't listen to her me, she won't listen to anyone. Have you told your parents yet... about the divorce, about Charlie?

Matt: I, I tried.

Carlos: Please I'm counting on you.

Matt: When my mom and dad here about this it's gonna kill 'em. It's not just not the divorce, but, but when they find out about Charlie... it's going to kill 'em.

Carlos: All right, considering your father's cardiac history can you stop using the word kill? My parents survived, I survived, Charlie survived... look, your parents and the rest of your family won't be happy, but they will survive, too. If you can't do it, I'll call them for you, but I think they'll take the news much better coming from you, them from me.

Matt: (nods)


Ruthie: How are things going with Zoe?

Martin: Good... I like her.

Ruthie: Yeah, she's nice.

Martin: How are things going with Vincent?

Ruthie: I'm so happy.

Martin: Really?

Ruthie: Yeah...

Martin: Oh...

Ruthie: What...?

Martin: Nothing...

Ruthie: No, what were you trying to say?

Martin: You like him and that's all that matters.

Ruthie: So you don't like him?

Martin: No, he's... fine.

Ruthie: Fine? What don't you like about him?

Martin: Let's just go get some lunch... my treat.

Ruthie: No, tell me what you don't like about my boyfriend.

Martin: Well, he's a bit demanding, isn't he? And he's not very athletic. I, I kind of thought that you might end up with a jock, not a... Vincent.

Ruthie: And...?

Martin: Well, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I think I saw him smoking with some kids from school. I know how you feel about smoking.

Ruthie: Smoking...?

Martin: And have you ever noticed how big his head is? I mean it's not normal. I, I just think you can do better.

Ruthie: You do?

Martin: You belong with someone who fits in with your lifestyle and your family better.

Ruthie: You think?

Martin: Yeah, but you're never gonna met that perfect guy who's just out there waiting for you, as long as you're dating Vincent.

Ruthie: So you think I should break up with him?

Martin: Why not? Just tell him it's not working out. Just tell him you're moving on to bigger and better things.

Ruthie: Bigger and better?

Martin: Absolutely...

Ruthie: You seem to feel pretty strongly about this, me breaking up with Vincent.

Martin: I care about you.

Camden's House - Upstairs Hallway

Lucy: Hey, ah, will you keep an eye on Savannah? She's down for a nap.

Annie: Sure, where are you two off to?

Lucy: To meet the realtor...

Annie: Good for you, both of you.

Lucy: Well, I said I'd call and I called.

Annie: What's wrong?

Sam: We thought all our brothers and sisters were leaving because they wanted to.

David: But it's you. You want everyone to leave.

Simon's Apartment

Rose: You know no one is going to believe that I spent all night with you, again, and all we did was eat spaghetti and slow dance.

Simon: Who cares what other people think?

Rose: (nods)

Rose: Simon, what is going on with you? Why won't you sleep with me?

Simon: I told you, it's complicated... and personal.

Rose: We were going to have sex last night, that's pretty personal.

Simon: Sorry, but I just can't do what you want me to do.

Rose: Can't or don't want to?

Simon: Want to, but can't?

Rose: Is there something wrong with you... physically?

Simon: No, I'm fine, but I... I... I have to get ready for work.

Rose: (sighs)

Simon: You know, it's not what you're thinking.

Rose: How do you know that?

Simon: Because there is no possible way in the world, you could be thinking of the reason I won't sleep with you.

Rose: (laughs)

Rose: Based on your reputation, I never thought you'd play this hard to get.

Simon: (sighs)

Simon: God, help me. No, really, God, please help me.

Glenoak Community Church - Church Office

Danny: I'm not going without my sisters.

Meredith: You're going to go home with George, and you're not going to worry about me or Kelly or Christina.

Danny: But we're a family.

Kelly: Yeah, but we can't all be together, and you're not going to blow this opportunity.

Meredith: Danny, we've always made due with what we have, even if what we have is nothing. We're not angry with you that you can't take the rest of us. Just promise that you're gonna take really good care of our baby brother.

Kelly: Yeah, take care of him.

Danny: I can't go off and live in some nice house with nice parents knowing that you guys will be stuck in a group home.

Meredith: It's okay. Kelly and I are gonna be okay.

George: You know, it's, it's not okay. You're all coming home with me... and I mean it... I do. We have the room; we're taking all of you.

Meredith: Really...?

Kelly: Don't do it just because you feel sorry for us.

George: No, I'm doing it because you all belong together, and I'm doing it because...

Danny: You care about us?

George: Yeah... and now let's go tell my wife the good news...

George: ...because she's gonna be surprised.

Eric: I'll, I'll call Greta at social services and get the paperwork going.

Meredith: I'm sorry, I... I just never ever thought I would have a dad. I'm so old and no one has ever wanted me.

George: I want you. Oh, for goodness sake.

Camden's House - Kevin and Lucy's Room

Kevin: What about this one?

Lucy: Oh, too small.

Kevin: What about this one?

Lucy: Ah, too big.

Kevin: And this one?

Lucy: This one is the perfect size, but ah, the backyard is tiny. Oh, um... this one has the perfect backyard but the house is too dark.

Kevin: We can paint the house.

Lucy: No, it's dark on the inside, because of all the trees around the outside.

Kevin: We can cut the trees down.

Lucy: Well, I don't want to kill trees that are like a hundred years old. Oh, this is house is great, I loved it. This is the perfect house for us...

Kevin: But...?

Lucy: It's in the wrong school district.

Kevin: We can send out kids to private school.

Lucy: No, I don't want our kids in private school. You do want me to have a house that I love, right?

Kevin: (nods)

Lucy: Well, it may take some time to find that house.

Kevin: How much time?

Lucy: I don't know, but I'm willing to look as long as it takes.

Savannah: (cries)

Glenoak Community Church - Church Office / New York Hospital

Phone: (rings)

Eric on Phone: Hello...

Matt on Phone: Hey, Dad.

Eric on Phone: Hey, Matt... I was just going out the door. Can I call you back when I get home?

Matt on Phone: No, I might lose my nerve by then.

Eric on Phone: Nerve... Mary and Carlos? You want to tell me what's going on?

Matt on Phone: I don't want to, I have to. Carlos asked me to.

Eric on Phone: Carlos?

Matt on Phone: Dad... Mary and Carlos are getting a divorce and Carlos is moving to Puerto Rico.

Eric on Phone: Yeah, I can't say I'm surprised. I... your, your mom was kind of holding out hope that Mary would come to her senses, but I just didn't think... Like I said, I'm not surprised. I'm sad, but I kind of expected it.

Matt on Phone: I have something to tell you weren't expecting. Look, there's no easy way to say this so I'll just say it... Mary signed away custody of Charlie.

Matt on Phone: Charlie is gonna live in Puerto Rico with Carlos, permanently.

Eric on Phone: Are you saying that Mary gave up her son?

Matt on Phone: It looks that way. And she isn't in London anymore, she transferred to Chicago. I tried calling her but she won't take my calls and I don't, I don't think she'll take any of our calls.

Eric on Phone: She won't talk to her family. She left her husband and abandoned her child.

Matt on Phone: It gets worse.

Eric on Phone: How can it get worse?

Matt on Phone: Well, you have to tell mom.

Camden's House - Sam and David's Room

Door: (knock)

Annie: Would you guys like a snack?

Sam: No, thank you.

Annie: We could go to the park.

David: No, thank you.

Annie: We could go to the toy store.

Sam: No, thank you.

Annie: I'm not making Lucy and Kevin and Savannah leave, or Martin. And I didn't make Matt and Mary and Simon leave.

Sam: We want our brothers and sisters back.

David: You made them leave, make then come back.


Ruthie: We need to talk. Boy, do we need to talk. I spent the day with Martin, and I've been thinking...

Ruthie: (sighs)

Vincent: It's okay; tell me whatever you have to say. I can take it.

Ruthie: Martin wants me to break up with you and I think he wants to date me.

Vincent: What? No, I, I think you must have misunderstood. He's, he's dating Zoe. He's really into Zoe.

Ruthie: Trust me; he's really into me, too. I didn't even think about Zoe. If he breaks up with her, I can't be the reason. I'm not a home wrecker.

Vincent: Ruthie, really I...

Ruthie: I knew his dad coming home and him moving out of the house would change our relationship, I knew it. So, would you tell him... tell him you and I would never break up... ever

Camden's House - Kitchen

Annie: Oh, Eric... I'm so sorry.

Eric: Matt called?

Annie: No, why would Matt be calling? Is something wrong?

Eric: No, I just thought... what's, what's going on? Why, why are you sorry?

Annie: Well, Greta from social services just called. She missed you at the church.

Eric: Did she tell you that Cecilia's parents are gonna foster the Davis children, all of them, and eventually they want to adopt. That's the project I didn't want to tell you about 'cause I, I just didn't want to jinx it.

Annie: The Davis mother found out that her kids are going into a new foster home and that the foster parents might adopt and...

Eric: And...?

Annie: Well, there's a problem. So, why would Matt be calling me? Is something going on?

Eric: Did Greta say what the problem is?

Annie: No...

Eric: I, I, I better call her.

Simon's Apartment

Simon: What are you doing out here?

Rose: Your landlord isn't around.

Simon: Are you okay?

Rose: No, it's driving me crazy, I have to know. Look, I understand that it's complicated and personal, but just tell me. I don't have to sleep with you, but I have to know why you won't sleep with me.

Simon: I made a promise to God. I had a crisis awhile back, and I asked God for help and in return, I promised that I would change some of my ways... with women.

Rose: Well, that is personal and complicated, and you're right, I never in a million years would have guessed that God is the reason you won't sleep with me.

Simon: See, I'm the only one in my family to, to live my life this way... to have sex before marriage. My brother, my sisters all waited. So after my crisis, I started thinking that there may be something to the way they live their lives, at least their sex lives. And so, I started to live my life a lit bit like them and lit bit less like me. I think my other relationships failed because there was a lack of commitment. Well, now that you know everything, I'll understand if you think I'm a weirdo and you wanna leave and go be with someone else you can have sex with.

Rose: Your brother Matt got married young?

Simon: Yeah, Matt fell in love on the first date.

Rose: And Mary too, she married young? And the one at home, married to the cop...?

Simon: Lucy hadn't finished college when she got married.

Rose: Well, they definitely live their lives differently from you. Let me ask you, do you see us together, long term? Do you see us getting married as a possibility?

Simon: Yeah, well maybe... someday.

Rose: So you might want to marry me?

Simon: Well, yeah, it's a possibility.

Rose: Are you asking me to marry you? Well, are you?

Simon: What would you say if I did?

Rose: I guess I ah... I might say yes.

Simon: You really like me that much.

Rose: Yeah... do you like me that much?

Simon: Yeah, I think I do.

Rose: I'm curious, if we were engaged, how would that affect your promise to God?

Simon: Well, being engaged is definitely a commitment.

Rose: Simon... do you want to get married ? 

Fait par moran50

Kikavu ?

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