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#11.01 : La vie continue

Matt, Mary, Simon et Ruthie sont partis de la maison. Annie et Eric n'ont plus que les jumeaux sous leur toit. Pour autant les problèmes quotidiens n'ont pas disparu. Pendant l'été, Lucy a fait une fausse couche et perdu les jumeaux. Kevin et elle ont du mal à surmonter cette douleur, en particulier Lucy qui est en colère contre tout le monde... De son côté, Sandy essaie de poursuivre ses études de théologie tout en élevant Aaron. Martin aimerait pouvoir l'aider et même se marier avec elle. Mais Sandy refuse, persuadée que les intentions de Martin ne sont pas profondément sincères. Lucy réussit à convaincre son père de la laisser faire le sermon du dimanche. Mais en plein discours, elle craque... 


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Turn, turn, turn

Titre VF
La vie continue

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Sandy joué par Haylie Duff

Sandy joué par Haylie Duff

Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

Sandy joué par Haylie Duff

Sandy joué par Haylie Duff

Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

Sandy joué par Haylie Duff

Sandy joué par Haylie Duff

Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

sandy (Haylie Duff) et Martin (Tyler Hoechlin)

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Caroline Kepnes 
Réalisé par : Joel J. Feigenbaum 

Avec : Aaron Staton (Daniel) 

Guests :

  • Jewel ..... Elle-même 

Annie est au téléphone avec Matt au moment où Eric rentre dans la cuisine. Ils commencent à évoquer les problèmes de leurs enfants : Matt et Sarah débordés, Mary épuisée entre son nouveau travail et ses 3 enfants… Annie évoque une visite de Martin à Sandy.

Celui-ci apparaît faisant une demande en mariage à une Sandy réticente, prétextant le fait qu’il n’est pas amoureux d’elle mais qu’il fait ça pour rester proche de son fils. Martin pense plutôt que c’est parce qu’elle est encore amoureuse de Simon, elle assure que non. Elle avoue finalement qu’elle préfère attendre d’être diplômée avant de se marier avec quiconque. Quand il entend ça, Martin lui demande si elle a un petit ami, elle avoue voir quelqu’un mais qu’ils ne sont qu’amis pour l’instant.

Autour de la table, Annie et Eric sont en train de dîner, en amoureux… non ! Kevin est là aussi. Ils parlent des occupations des autres enfants, Annie annonce son prochain départ pour New York chez Mary. Kevin propose un projet pour lui et Annie (garde d’enfants à domicile?). Ils parlent de l’humeur de Lucy et du fait qu’elle ne sera pas forcément d’accord avec ce projet.

Sandy revient d’un rendez-vous avec son ami Daniel. Martin est assis devant la télé et les entend se disputer sur le fait que Daniel devrait ou non rentrer dans l’appartement. Martin ouvre la porte et lui dit que ça ne le dérange pas. Après une brève discussion, Daniel lance à Martin que si Sandy a couché avec lui c’est pour rendre Simon jaloux.

Lucy raconte une histoire à Savannah, on apprend qu’elles étaient toutes les deux au cinéma. Lucy et Kevin semblent distant l’un envers l’autre; on entend pour la première fois parler de la voisine.

Sandy et Martin parlent de leur relation, du désir de la jeune femme de devenir pasteur, de l’histoire avec Simon… Après le départ de Martin, elle appelle Lucy. Celle-ci excédée, lui dit que si elle veut devenir un bon pasteur et venir en aide au gens, elle doit se débrouiller seule. Après avoir raccroché, Lucy dit à Kevin que Sandy l’énerve car elle se croit supérieure à elle, qu’elle la copie. Au moment où Kevin part pour la maison des Camden, Lucy pressent quelque chose et interroge son mari, celui-ci lui confesse l’idée de projet qu’il a eu avec Annie, Lucy énervée demande à Kevin d’oublier cette idée et de dire à sa mère que finalement le projet ne l’intéresse plus, et non pas que c’est elle qui le refuse. 

Kevin en parle à Eric et Annie jusqu’à ce que Lucy entre dans la cuisine pour parler à son père, seule. Elle lui demande de la laisser faire le sermon du lendemain. Eric essaie de la convaincre en vain que c’est une mauvaise idée mais finit par céder. 

Martin quant à lui insiste pour que lui, Sandy et leur fils aillent à l’église ce matin, pour que tout le monde les voit comme une vraie famille, elle refuse. Il lui reproche de vouloir devenir pasteur pour devenir une "Camden", que c’est le premier pas pour (re)conquérir Simon.

À l’église, Lucy débute son sermon : elle remercie son père pour l’avoir aidée par le passé et les personnes de l’assistance pour la patience dont ils ont fait preuve avec elle, lui laissant le temps d’apprendre de ses erreurs. Tout ce passe pour le mieux, jusqu’à ce qu’elle commence à parler de ses problèmes. Elle accable sa famille leur reprochant d’être trop pressant et d’avoir pitié d’elle ; puis elle s’en prend à Kevin, en mal d’abord puis en clamant haut et fort que c’est une "bête de sexe", proposant même à deux jeunes femmes de l’essayer. Elle finit par quitter l’église suivie par Kevin.

De retour chez eux, Lucy s’en veut de sa réaction face aux paroissiens. Kevin la rassure mais rien n’y fait, elle reproche à sa famille de la considérer encore comme une adolescente. Lucy est en colère contre elle pour la perte de ses enfants, elle pense que si elle avait agit autrement elle n’aurait pas fait de fausse couche. Elle finit par avouer à Kevin qu’elle ne veut pas d’autres enfants. Seconde évocation de la voisine !

Sandy et Martin s’excusent et décident d’apprendre à se connaître avant de parler de nouveau de se marier. La scène se termine par un simple baiser… sur la joue.

Après un coup de téléphone de ses parents, lui disant qu’ils ne lui en veulent pas pour ce qu’elle a dit à l’église, Lucy dit qu’il est temps pour tout le monde de dormir. Cependant Savannah n’a pas l’air fatiguée. Elle demande alors à Kevin de parler à la voisine. 

Au début de l’épisode, Lucy reproche à cette voisine de chanter trop fort le soir empêchant Savannah et elle de dormir, Kevin lui dit qu’au contraire cette musique les apaise et les endort, Lucy pense que si c’était le cas elle s’en rappellerait, Kevin lui dit que si elle ne se rappelle de rien c’est parce qu’elle était endormie.

Finalement Kevin s’en va parler à cette voisine, lui demandant de chanter pour endormir sa fille. Elle accepte et tout le monde s’endort paisiblement sur une magnifique et apaisante musique. 

Fait par moran50

Camden's House

Annie: Oh, that's... that's... that's sweet, but you're too young for a boy to give you roses. I know, I know, but that's not why you're there. Lucy... okay. She's better, I think. Oh hang on, that might be her coming in the back door. Oh no, It's just your father.

Eric: Who? Who? I'll take it.

Annie: You want to talk to your Dad? Oh...okay, okay bye-bye.

Eric: Why don't I ever get to speak to our children?

Annie: Well, Matt is really busy with the boys. And... ah... Sarah's had a cold, and they're both really busy. I don't know how they do it. Of course it's not any easier for Carlos and Mary what with three children and a teaching job and moving back to New York... I do not know why they want to move back to New York. But she loves the teaching job, she really loves it. Oh and did I tell you? There's a possibility that the basketball coach may be out for a couple of months and Mary might take over for her... just for like two months.

Eric: No, you didn't mention it. But you know maybe if I ever actually saw our children... or talked to one of them myself... you know...

Annie: I must have told Ruthie I guess. That was Ruthie and...

Eric: From Scotland? She was calling from Scotland and I didn't get to talk to her?

Annie: Well it was a phone card, time ran out. Did you have a bad time with Luce?

Eric: No. I didn't even see Lucy today. She... she said she'd come in but...

Annie: This is just an awful situation. Oh did I mention that Martin is going to spend the weekend with Sandy?

Eric: That's good... right?

Annie: Yeah... I guess.

Eric: Why... why would it not be good?

Annie: I don't know. He just...he has this crazy idea...

Sandy's Apartment

Martin: Why not?

Sandy: Because I'm not in love with you.

Martin: Well maybe I'm in love with you.

Sandy: No, you're not. You're in love with your son. And that's great. But that doesn't mean you have to marry me.

Martin: You're just saying that because you're in love with Simon.

Sandy: No I'm not.

Martin: But you are in love with Simon.

Sandy: Well... he's not in love with me.

Martin: So marry me.

Sandy: I can't. I really can't.

Martin: You have to.

Sandy: No... I don't. look Martin I really want to get my degree first... start my career and then think about whether or not I want to get married... to anyone.

Martin: What does that mean? You... you don't want to get married to anyone? Anyone who... who is anyone? Are...are you dating anyone, someone?

Sandy: Not exactly. Kind of. We're friends. He's just someone that I met when I transferred here.

Martin: Yeah, yeah that was the greatest idea...transferring in your senior year. You really think you want to be a minister?

Sandy: Yeah... I do.

Martin: The Camdens.

Camden's House

Kevin: I really think this was a good idea... having the boys eat early.

Annie: Well you know I thought I'd be sad when the children left the house. But I think I was born to be an empty nester.

Eric: We still have David and Sam.

Annie: But they're so easy. They eat; they go upstairs they do their homework they go to bed. I mean... today I only did one load of laundry. I mean it was all towels. Ah... just towels. I think I've died and gone to heaven. I'm sorry.

Kevin: No, it's okay. It's just me and I'm okay. And I want things to go back to normal so none of us has to worry what we're saying every minute.

Annie: You've had a rough summer.

Kevin: So... how's Mary and Carlos doing?

Eric: Mary's very tired, but she really....she really loves her new job and... she might even get to fill in as the basketball coach while the coach is away on maternity leave.

Kevin: Oh... so you got to talk to her?

Eric: Ah... not exactly, no.

Kevin: And the girls?

Annie: Oh, Charlie just loves his two sisters. In fact hopefully I get to visit them in the next couple of weeks.

Eric: A...again?

Annie: Un-uh... oh yes. Mary's very tired she needs my help.

Eric: And David and Sam?

Annie: Well they have school.

Eric: So I should just... work around that?

Kevin: I can help. I'd be happy to pick them up and take care of them in the afternoons.

Annie: Well thank you Kevin. Oh and... and don't forget we've got the roofers coming at some point to do some repairs on my little mom's home.

Kevin: If they call when you're gone, David and Sam can drive up with me and Savannah.

Eric: You've been so helpful during this... renovation. I had no idea you interested in things like that... or that you knew so much about it.

Kevin: Yeah well... Annie's a great teacher and I've watched Lucy with what we did to our house... so I guess I finally caught on. You know what I was thinking? I was thinking maybe we should all get into the house flipping business.

Annie: Oh... that's a great idea.

Eric: Me, too?

Annie: Well, if you want to.

Eric: What would I do?

Annie: Well ah... you could bless the houses and burn some sage. And you know spread some positive energy for the buyers.

Eric: I think you could probably get a soothsayer to do all that. And... and Luce? Are you going to get Luce into the house flipping business too because I'm in kind of need of her help in church.

Kevin: I haven't asked her. She's not in the mood to do anything right now.

Eric: I realize that. Thus the need... for her help.

Annie: She'll come around.

Kevin: I don't think she's going to come around any time soon. And I really am tired of her being angry all the time. I understand it, but I'm tired of it. I think it would be a good idea for both of us if get out of the house and do something else for a while.

Annie: Well I see but... you know Lucy's not going to stay angry forever. She'll come around.

Eric: And when she does, there'll be plenty for her to do in the church.

Eric: I'm just saying.

Kevin: I hear ya, Dad.

Annie: Then I guess it's just you and me Kevin. I've always wanted to get into construction, this'll be great.

Eric: Don't... you kind of already have a full plate with the little mom's home?

Annie: No, basically my job is done. I got the home built on time. It's running very smoothly and all the girls love working with Aida. And... and the second hand shop... my gosh, it's turning a profit for the first time this month! So you know... next!

Sandy's Apartment

Sandy: No, it's too late to come in.

Daniel: Come on, he won't care.

Sandy: He'll care.

Daniel: No, he won't.

Martin: I do care.

Sandy: No, no you can't.

Daniel: Daniel.

Martin: Goodnight.

Daniel: Interesting name. So you're Aaron's father?

Martin: Yeah. I am the father and I'm also very close to her.

Sandy: Goodnight Daniel.

Martin: Can't you take a hint?

Daniel: Can't you take a hint? She doesn't want you here. And you weren't Aaron's father, you wouldn't be here.

Martin: If, yeah, if I weren't Aaron's father, but I am.

Daniel: Odd that you'd wait until Sandy is interested in someone else before you decide you're interested in her... and your son. Not odd really... more... immature.

Martin: What is this, judgment week at the seminary? You don't know anything about me.

Daniel: I know plenty. I know she had a one-night-stand with you just to make Simon jealous. You knew that... right? Goodnight.

Kinkirk's House - Kevin and Lucy's Room

Lucy: "The dog said "bark" and the cow said "moo". The rooster said "cock-a-doodle-doo'd" and the sheep said "baah and the horses neighed, the farmer said: you don't have to be afraid"! You don't have to sneak up on us like that.

Kevin: Sorry. I thought you might be sleeping.

Lucy: I told you that Savannah slept too late this afternoon and she wasn't going to be able to get to sleep tonight.

Kevin: She does that once in a while. Sometimes she takes a longer nap than other times. It's okay, Luce.

Lucy: Yeah it's okay but then she doesn't sleep at night.

Kevin: How'd she like the movie?

Lucy: Oh liked it didn't we Savannah? How was the movie?

Savannah: Funny.

Kevin: Cute... when did she learn to say that?

Lucy: Tonight. Sorry you missed it.

Kevin: I thought you didn't want me to go with you.

Lucy: I didn't say that.

Kevin: You said you wanted to spend some time with Savannah.

Lucy: Well I didn't say I wanted some time without you.

Kevin: You wanted me to go?

Lucy: No, I didn't say that either.

Kevin: Okay well, I'm happy to do whatever you want me to do... always.

Lucy: Could you go next door and tell the neighbor to stop playing her music so loud it's keeping Savannah up at night.

Kevin: What music?

Lucy: The music that's keeping Savannah up at night.

Kevin: I don't think Savannah's been up at night.

Lucy: It's the reason she's been sleeping too late and too long in the afternoon.

Kevin: I can't just go over and harass the neighbor about music that she's not playing.

Lucy: Fine, then wait till she starts playing her music and then get out of bed and go over there and harass her.

Kevin: That I can do.

Camden's House

Eric: Don't you wish they could stay that young forever?

Annie: No, I really don't. I... I think each year is more interesting than the year before. I love seeing them grow up. I've loved seeing all of our children grow up, you know, I like to see them have children of their own.

Eric: The Lucy situation still breaks my heart.

Annie: I know... me too. But you know for her sake, we're just all going to have to... be strong and get past this so she and Kevin can get on with their lives.

Eric: We have been very blessed.

Annie: Yes we have.

Eric: Although I do feel we're sitting on a bit of a Lucy time bomb.

Sandy's Apartment

Martin: This time last year, I wasn't even speaking to you.

Sandy: Yeah... I remember.

Martin: We're like the perfect family... almost.

Sandy: Almost...

Martin: We could be the perfect family.

Sandy: I'm not sure if I even know what the perfect family is.

Martin: Well... I know what it isn't. It isn't some other guy raising my son.

Sandy: Martin is that what's motivating you to care more about Aaron and me? Competition?

Martin: No, that's not what's motivating me but... I don't want you to be with Simon... or any other guy.

Sandy: Well maybe my life isn't about what you want. Maybe it's about what I want as well. And I might have had a chance for a relationship with Simon if you hasn't made it so clear to him that you didn't want him around us.

Martin: What's wrong with that?

Sandy: What's wrong with that is that you're not really in love with me. You just don't want anyone else near me because of Aaron.

Martin: That's not true. But you know what... what would be wrong with that?

Sandy: What would be wrong with that is that I deserve to be loved too. And I deserve to be loved for me... for who I am.

Martin: You are the mother of my son. I love you for that.

Sandy: Thank you. But I'm not just the mother of your son. And I'm just not Aaron's mother. That's just part of who I am and who I want to be. And I want to be a minister. And I want to help other single moms... and other girls who grew up like me. Other girls who think that... they can't change because they made some mistakes. Look you and I got together when I was the old me. And I'm a whole new me. And coming here for school is... my way of getting a fresh start on life.

Martin: All I'm asking for is a chance. I want to be with you and Aaron. And I'm always going to be part of your life because I'm always going to be involved in his life.

Sandy: Well... I appreciate your involvement. I do... most of the time. But I really don't know how I feel about you right now, to be perfectly honest. But let's just... let's see how things go.

Martin: That's all I'm asking. Okay... why don't I go to the grocery store for you and pick up something we could make for dinner together. Unless of course you have a date with... what's his name Randall?

Sandy: Daniel. But no... he hasn't called.

Martin: Okay. Well ah... I'll be back.

Kinkirk's House - Kitchen

Lucy: (Phone Rings) Hello.

Sandy: Luce... hi. It's Sandy... how are you?

Lucy: What do you mean?

Sandy: I'm sorry to bother you. I was just asking how you are.

Lucy: I'm terrific. Don't want to bother me because...

Sandy: Because I know... you're a very busy woman. But it's just that... Martin came to visit us this weekend and I don't know what to do.

Lucy: About what?

Sandy: About Martin. All of a sudden he thinks we're supposed to get married or something.

Lucy: Oh yeah?

Sandy: He's just so... I don't know... young.

Lucy: Well he's not any younger than he was when you slept with him. You know in fact... he's a year older.

Sandy: Yes he is. All right, sorry I bothered you.

Lucy: You know you're going to have to get used to handling your own problems if you ever want to help other people with their problems.

Sandy: I know and you're so good at that. It's not a problem exactly. It's just that... I don't want to be in a relationship with martin. And there are a lot of nice guys at school here and... some of them talk too much but... I don't know... it seems like they might be pretty accepting of my being a single mom.

Lucy: I thought you were there to study. I thought you wanted to become a minister. You know I thought you wanted to focus on our education, your new career.

Sandy: Right. You're right. I should just stick to that. Okay... thanks.

Kevin: Everything okay?

Lucy: Everything?

Kevin: I guess I was just wondering who was on the phone.

Lucy: Why?

Kevin: Well because maybe I'm wrong here, but it seems that whoever it was might have upset you.

Lucy: I'm not upset! I'm just irritated. Sandy is so irritating these days.

Kevin: How so?

Lucy: How so? She thinks she's me. No you know what? I take that back. She thinks she's better than me. Converts, I tell you they're fanatics!

Kevin: Think I'm going to go hang out at your parent's house while Savannah is napping.

Lucy: Wait! Why are you spending so much time at my parent's house? Are you hiding something?

Kevin: Your Mom and I were just thinking...

Lucy: Oh so my mom's hiding things from me too now?

Kevin: No, she wanted me to talk to you about it first.

Lucy: But you talked to her first, you didn't talk to me first. Why doesn't anyone talk to me?

Kevin: I don't know. I guess no one wants to upset you.

Lucy: But you and my mom are coming up with ideas to upset me.

Kevin: No, it may not upset you at all.

Lucy: What may not upset me at all?

Kevin: We were thinking about getting into the house flipping business.

Lucy: I don't have time to go into the house flipping business.

Kevin: Me and your mother.

Lucy: No!!

Kevin: It was just an idea.

Lucy: A bad idea! First Sandy and now you! Why do you want to be me? Why do you want to take my skills at renovating and one-up me?

Kevin: I hadn't really looked at it like that.

Lucy: Why is it that you enjoyed building that little mom's home with my mother so much but yet you didn't help me do anything at our own home?

Kevin: You wouldn't let me. No I take that back. I was so intimidated by how great you are at doing things I really don't want to get in your way.

Lucy: Well you had no problem getting in my mother's way. You know I could have taught you everything that she taught you.

Kevin: Yes and I apologize for not letting you teach me what she taught me, and just forget about me going into business with her because I don't want to do anything... anything to upset you.

Lucy: Yeah... okay. Look... just go over to my mom's and tell her that you don't want to go into the house flipping business with her.

Kevin: Yeah I'll do that.

Lucy: And then go over to the neighbor's house, because you didn't go last night and she turned up the music again.

Kevin: The music is nice. You and Savannah were sound asleep.

Lucy: If I was sound asleep then how did I hear it?

Kevin: Maybe I'll wait until tonight to go over there. If she' still playing loud music I promise I'll go over there and tell her to turn it down. Unless of course we all sleep through it again.

Lucy: Fine. Oh and when you go over to my mother's house and tell her you don't want to go in the house flipping business, don't tell her that I don't want you to be in the house flipping business. Can't they let me have something for myself? Geez. Everyone wants to be me... except me.

Camden's House

Kevin: I talked to Lucy about me and Annie flipping houses... and I decided it wasn't a good idea.

David/Sam: Is Lucy with you?

Kevin: No.

Eric: You don't think it's a good idea or Lucy doesn't think it's a good idea? Lucy told you not to blame her. You know I... I don't think it's such a good idea.

Annie: You don't think what is such a good idea? Kevin and I flipping houses? Why not?

Kevin: It was just a crazy idea anyway.

Eric: Yeah.

Annie: Oh... Lucy didn't like the idea, huh? Yeah, well you know... maybe it's better if you stay close to home right now... and me too. You know we can always go into business together; it doesn't have to be... right now. She'll come around.

Lucy: Hi.

Eric: Hi honey.

Annie: Hi Luce!

Kevin: Hey Luce!

Lucy: Kevin if you don't mind taking Savannah I'd like to talk to my dad... alone Mom if you wouldn't mind.

Annie: Kevin and I didn't mean to upset you.

Lucy: Everything upsets me. I think we all know that, but everything has always upset me, I'm an upset person. But I think it's time to stop letting everything upset me. Dad can we just talk?

Eric: Of course.

Lucy: If you don't mind... I'd like to give the sermon tomorrow.

Eric: Yeah well I guess you could. But ah... Luce tomorrow... is tomorrow and I had a sermon prepared. Could this maybe wait... till next week? To give yourself a little more time to not let things... upset you. Kind of sit with that for a few more days?

Lucy: I have something I want to say. And I want to say it in front of everyone.

Eric: Well okay. So why don't you start with me? What do you want to say?

Lucy: What do you want to know? You don't trust me? Haven't I come through for you every time before?

Eric: Okay you're... you're right. Kind of. But... Luce... it's been almost four months since you've been behind the pulpit.

Lucy: And?

Eric: And it takes time. Lucy it takes time to heal. Take your time, take all the time you need.

Lucy: I don't want to take anymore time than I've already taken. In fact I think I've taken too much time.

Lucy: I want to speak to the congregation tomorrow. That way tomorrow is my deadline. So... so tomorrow after the sermon, I can officially... put this horrible summer behind me and I can start to look forward to my future.

Eric: Or... or maybe you should officially move on in a more private personal way. Like go out to dinner with Kevin or... go away for a weekend with Kevin... or even with Kevin and Savannah.

Lucy: I don't want to go away with Kevin. I don't want to go away with Kevin and Savannah! That's not what I want to do. What I want to do is publicly acknowledge what I went through as a way of letting go of my anger... so I don't have to go away. You think I don't know that I'm angry? Yeah, I'm a little angry. But I'm not going to be angry anymore.

Eric: Well...

Lucy: Well what?! You're always saying choose your feelings. Well I'm choosing. You have a problem with that?

Eric: Well it's just that... it... sometimes it take a lot of strength to choose and it takes time to gather your strength and...

Lucy: Dad don't do this... don't treat me like a child. You don't have to explain to me how life works. I'm a grown woman. I'm the associate pastor. I just want to speak, okay, Reverend Camden?

Eric: I really don't recommend it Luce but... if you feel that you need to do this and... it can't wait...

Lucy: I can't.

Eric: Not even another week?

Lucy: Not even.

Eric: All right. Tomorrow the church is yours.

Lucy: Thank you.

Sandy's Apartment

Martin: We can still get there.

Sandy: It took me two hours to get Aaron to go to sleep. I'm not going to put him in a car now.

Martin: But he sleeps in the car.

Sandy: If he starts out awake, he sleeps in the car.

Martin: Look I just thought it would be nice if we went to church together, like a family.

Sandy: Maybe some other Sunday. It's too far to drive and this hasn't been the easiest morning with Aaron. You go.

Martin: No, I don't want to drive all the way down there and back by myself.

Sandy: Well... If you went by yourself you wouldn't have to drive back, you just could go to church and then... go back to your school.

Martin: Yeah, I've been thinking about that.

Sandy: About what?

Martin: About what a pain it is that we live separately. Maybe I should change school.

Sandy: And give up baseball?

Martin: Some things are more important than baseball.

Sandy: Like?

Martin: Like becoming a minister.

Sandy: No. Martin... you can't put me and my career ahead of your own career.

Martin: No. I was thinking about making your career my career.

Sandy: You can't do that.

Martin: Why not? You did. You made Lucy's career your career.

Sandy: Yeah but that's different. I feel called to be a minister.

Martin: Maybe I do too.

Sandy: No you don't. That's ridiculous!

Martin: Frankly I think it's just as ridiculous that you want to be a minister. I think you just want to be a Camden. You think if you can become a minister... maybe Simon Camden will like you better. Maybe even love you. Maybe even marry you. Then you can be a Camden. And when I say you of course, I mean the old you as well as the new you. I mean isn't that what you really want... to be a Camden.

Sandy: Look... I think you should go. Drive down to Glenoak and go to church and maybe stop by and see your dad, just spend the day out. get some distance from Aaron and me. I think it would be good for you.

Martin: You know you could have just told me that you were just trying to make Simon jealous when you slept with me.

Sandy: When did you find that out?

Martin: The other night... from your date.

Sandy: Daniel told you?

Martin: Yeah. He thought I already knew. Which is why he probably hasn't called in case you're wondering. He's probably waiting for me to get out of here.

Sandy: Okay. Well... The only reason that I told him is because it's a new relationship and... For once I thought it would be nice if I could be absolutely honest with a guy. All right... I guess I could have told you why I slept with you but... what difference does it make? You know you didn't really have a good reason for sleeping with me either. And If I recall correctly, it was because you just hadn't done it before and you wanted to get it over with.

Martin: Oh okay so what happened was my fault? How is it more my fault than it is your fault?

Glenoak Community Church

Lucy: Good morning. When I had to write my first sermon as associate pastor I went to my dad for advice. And he told me to just look in the mirror. It worked. He helped me. He helped me a lot. He always has. And... so have all of you. You have all been so patient with me and my learning process.

Lucy: Thank you... thank you for letting me be here. I really have learned a lot. I'm sorry. I just lost my train of thought. Um... oh yeah I was saying... I really have learned a lot. And one of the things I've leaned is that when good things happen, everyone wants to take responsibility, everyone wants credit. However when... something goes... well... wrong then that's not the case is it? When something bad happens... no one takes responsibility, no one takes credit. Everyone just blames God because oh no, we humans we can't control anything, so it must be God. It must be God's fault. We're just God's victims. You know God just makes bad things happen to us to teach us mean little life lessons. Well ah... this summer something... something bad happened to me. Well it was actually more of a sad thing really. A sad thing happened to me and there's nothing I can do about it. You just have to... you just have to go on with life... move on whether you want to or not. We have to go on where we're angry or not. I mean, who's there for me to be angry with? Um... it's not God's fault that this sad thing happened. Then if it's not God's fault... um... then who can I blame? Then whose fault is it?

Kevin: Oh... this is not good.

Lucy: Well I'll tell you.

Kevin: No please.

Lucy: My husband. I told him I wasn't ready to have another child. But nooo... he wanted to have another baby. And, who wouldn't sleep with him? I mean he's gorgeous, he's kind, and he's a great dad. He's a great husband. And you know... he's hot. Isn't he hot? You'd sleep with him right?

Woman: (Mouths the words: Oh yeah)

Lucy: Yeah, of course you would. Any woman would. I mean who wouldn't sleep with that?

Eric: Luce?

Lucy: What? Oh no it's your fault too. Oh yeah and hers, yeah. You think just anyone can go off and have twins? You know just because you two have twins, and... and Matt had twins and Mary has twins and you know Simon's probably out trying to have some twins right now and you know what? Ruthie is probably going to come home from Scotland with twins. So... so all of you everyone in my family, It's your fault. I mean everyone except for Sam and David of course... nothing is their fault. They're just innocent little victims.

Both: Whew...

Lucy: Okay... um... I guess that's all I wanted to say. Oh... like you didn't know this was going to happen.

Camden's House

Annie: I wish I had a load of laundry to do... you know? Lots of laundry. Tons of laundry. Maybe a... greasy, grimy shirt with a big stain. Or a floor to mop. Some nice muddy footprints tracked in from the door to the stairs. Oh the best thing in the world a broken pipe. You know like in the basement... three feet of flooding. I just need something to clean up you know. A mess that I can make go away. I need to have something to fix. I miss the kids. I miss Matt I miss Mary. I miss Simon I miss Ruthie. I miss them being kids. I especially miss Lucy being a kid. I don't think I would have ever let her grow up if I had knows this was going to happen. It's just so... it's just so unfair.

Eric: I know.

Annie: For everyone.

Eric: Yeah.

Kinkirk's House

Kevin: Before you say anything I just want you to know... it's okay, Luce.

Lucy: No, it's not okay. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I said all of those things in front of our entire congregation. You're not going to try to have me committed or anything are you?

Kevin: For saying I'm hot? I knew you thought I was hot. That's one of the reasons I married you. We have to talk.

Lucy: No we don't. I know I'm crazy. And now every one in our congregation knows I'm crazy.

Kevin: You're not crazy.

Lucy: Depends on your definition of crazy. I am so angry at myself for doing that. Oh I just... I made things worse. Things were already bad enough and now I made things worse.

Kevin: What things?

Lucy: I hate the way people look at me. I hate the way people look at us. I hate the way people talk to me like I'm so pathetic. I hate... I hate the way everyone just agrees with me about every crazy think I say.

Kevin: Me?

Lucy: Not just you. I mean... my parents, my brothers, my sisters. No one treat me the same way they did. No you know what? I take that back. They treat me the same way they did as when I was thirteen. It makes me so...

Kevin: Angry.

Lucy: Oh! Yes, I said I was angry, didn't I? And angry and crazy and... I'm angry at you because you do the same thing. You do every stupid thing I tell you to do. You're afraid I'm going to crack up or something if you don't.

Kevin: No I don't. I didn't go over the neighbor's house and ask her to turn down the music. Not yet anyway. And obviously you're perfectly capable of cracking up without any help from me. What else are you angry about? You really think that what happened was my fault?

Lucy: Kind of.

Kevin: You sure you don't think it was your fault?

Lucy: What?

Kevin: I think you're angry at you. I think that you think you could have done something differently and things would have turned out differently.

Lucy: No, I don't.

Kevin: Look, I don't care if you blame me, I'd rather you not do it in church again, but go on and blame me if that's what you need to do. 'Cause I'd rather you blame me than you... 'cause you didn't do anything wrong Luce.

Lucy: I know that.

Kevin: You sure? Luce?

Lucy: Maybe if I hadn't gotten pregnant so soon after Savannah, maybe if I... had gotten to the hospital sooner, or if I had been bigger or stronger somehow.

Kevin: No, Luce.

Lucy: Well if it's not my fault... and it's not your fault... and it's not our family's fault then it must be God. It has to be God's fault. Or... or just had to have happened. And if it just happened then... it can't be fixed. Um... I've been... I've been doing some thinking over the summer... because I didn't want to decide too quickly. I think I decided now. Um... I don't want to every try to have kids again. Even if this is no one's fault. Just me and you and Savannah and these guys... that's a big enough family for me.

Kevin: I understand. And if you decide to change your mind, I'll understand that too.

Lucy: And I don't want you going into business with my mother.

Kevin: All right.

Lucy: And I'm still not happy about Sandy trying to get into my business.

Kevin: Fine. And I'm still not going to try to have you committed. I haven't seen that in a while.

Lucy: I love you, Kevin.

Kevin: Yeah, I love you, too.

Camden's House

David: I can't get to sleep.

Sam: Me neither. It's too quiet in here.

Annie: Goodnight, Sam, goodnight, David.

Sam: Goodnight Mom.

David: Goodnight.

Eric/Annie: Love you.

Sam/David: We love you too.

Eric: Maybe we should call our other children and say goodnight to them too.

Annie: Oh, I talked to them when you were in the shower. I'm just kidding. Why don't we call them and say goodnight. That'd be nice.

Kinkirk's House - Kevin and Lucy's Room

Kevin: (Phone rings) Hello. Oh hi... Jane... right, from church.

Lucy: Hi. Yeah, I'm sorry for calling on you in church. But you really can't sleep with my husband. She hung up. (Phone rings) Hello...

Eric: Hi, Luce.

Annie: Hi, hon, we just wanted to say goodnight.

Lucy: Thanks.

Eric: We love you.

Annie: We do, Luce.

Lucy: Even after what I did today?

Annie: Yes.

Eric: No matter what you do... any day.

Lucy: I love you too. Goodnight. Okay, it has been a really long day. Let's get some rest. She's not sleepy.

Kevin: Maybe she's better off in her own room.

Lucy: Yeah, maybe. But... go over to the neighbor's house and ask her to play some of that music again. What? It's too quiet in here and she's gotten used to sleeping with all that noise. Just go over there and ask her to play whatever it is she was playing. Please.

Sandy's Apartment

Sandy: Martin.

Martin: Sandy.

Both: Maybe we could...

Sandy: Get to know each other.

Martin: Yeah, but not so much so that you wouldn't want to marry me. I um... better be going.

Sandy: Okay. I'll talk to you during the week.

Martin: Okay. Goodnight.

Sandy: Goodnight.

Neighbor's House

Jewel: (Knock on door) Coming. Hi.

Kevin: Um... HI. I'm Kevin Kinkirk. I live next door... with my wife.

Jewel: I'm Jewel. A friend is letting me stay here while I work on something, a song I'm recording in L.A. this week. Did you want to come in?

Kevin: No.

Jewel: Okay. Well... very nice to meet you Kevin Kinkirk.

Kevin: Here's the thing. Would it be possible for you to sing that song you've been singing that past couple of nights? My wife was asking. We can't get our daughter to sleep. She thought maybe you could help.

Jewel: Ah... sings: "It's going to be all right"... that song?

Kevin: Yeah.

Jewel: Yeah, no problem.

Kevin: Thanks.

Jewel: (Sings) Going to be all right
No matter what they say
It's going to be a good day
Just wait and see
It's going to be all right
'Cause I'm all right wiFait th me
It's gonna be... it's gonna be...
It's got to be...
Shut the door
Can't stand here no more
My minds racing
Can you be everything I need you to be?
Can you protect me like a daughter
Love me like a father
Can you drink me like water 

Fait par moran50

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