Kevin: That's it. Let's go.
Jim: You gotta...
Kid: Hey, man.
Kevin: How's it goin'?
Sound: (gunshots)
Jim: Wait... we're not walking into that alley, it could be a set-up.
Camden's House - Back Porch
Rose: I can't believe Martin's goin' to be a father.
Simon: Careful... there's, there's a lot of little ears around here.
Rose: Well, there gonna know, they're all going to know... eventually.
Simon: Yeah, but let's make sure we're not the ones to tell them, okay?
Rose: When do you think Martin will tell them? When do you think he'll tell his dad?
Simon: He just found out this afternoon, give him time... give them both time. Let's just see what happens.
Rose: (shrugs)
Rose: I am so happy we decided to get married. It's so much better having sex in committed relationship. If anything every happened to us, I mean, if we got pregnant, at least the decision to get married would already have been made, you know?
Simon: Yeah, I know.
Rose: I love you, Simon.
Simon: I love you, too.
Rose: Then tell your grandparents about us, please? For me?
Simon: (sighs)
Simon: I remember when all I wanted in life was a dog. And now... all I want is... life to be that simple again.
Lucy: So, where's the future Mrs. Camden? It scares you for me to even say that, doesn't it?
Simon: A little, but that's okay, you know, fear is like the flipside of excitement.
Lucy: Yeah, okay. Simon, how excited are you about Rose and getting married and all that?
Simon: Why do you ask?
Lucy: Because I care about you, that why I ask. Are you sure you're in love with Rose?
Simon: Absolutely...
Lucy: All right, but if need to talk me, you can call me anytime. Okay, come on.
Camden's House - Kitchen
Lucy: Hi...
Ruthie: Oh wait, this is Jack and this is my sister Lucy; you saw at church, and this is her daughter, Savannah.
Jack: Hello, should we deal you in?
Lucy: Oh no, that's okay; I kind of have my hands full.
Jack: I can hold the baby, I'm great with babies.
Ruthie: Are you?
Jack: I have seven kids in my family, too. Come on, hand her over. Babies like me, and don't tell me you don't need a break. They get heavy.
Lucy: Ah, okay... Okay, there you go.
Savannah: (baby noises)
Lucy: Nice meeting you.
Meredith: Well, you're certainly a good sport.
Jack: Yeah, I am. So, deal the cards, and this time, why don't we play for... me. Did I mention I'm a national merit scholar? I'm smart. Smart enough to see what's going on here.
Ruthie: What are you talking about?
Jack: Oh come on, your dad's not asking me all those questions so I can keep going out with Meredith, now is he?
Camden's House - Upstairs Hallway
Lucy: Where's mom?
Eric: She's getting the boys ready for bed, that way they ca just come down in their pajamas, say goodnight to Grandma and Grandpa and then run back upstairs.
Lucy: Good luck... and Carlos?
Eric: Ah, he thinks Charlie's coming down with a cold and they're both exhausted from their trip, so they went to bed.
Lucy: Oh, I just wanted to say goodnight.
Lucy: (sighs)
Lucy: Poor Carlos, I still can't believe what happened.
Eric: Did, did you come in through the kitchen? Did you meet ah, Jack?
Lucy: Yes, nice guy... unfortunately, I think the only thing you're gonna find out is wrong with him is that he's a senior and that makes him a little old for her. I mean, I see it with the girls in my class at the church, they go out with older guys, they become older. Of course, you know, Vincent was a year older then her.
Ruthie: Yeah, he was. And whose side are you on anyways? Mine or his? I don't know if you've ever thought about this, but maybe you should just butt out of my life. I mean, don't you have enough to worry about being a wife and a mother and a minister and all? Didn't you pretty much tell the whole church this morning what an enormous burden you're carrying and how "conflicted" you are? Worry about your own problems.
Ruthie: So I can go out with him or not?
Eric: I admit he's a nice guy, and I appreciate that you brought him around so that we could get to know him, but I'd like to get to know him a little better before I make any decision. I talked to him for what... ten minutes.
Ruthie: More like twenty or thirty.
Eric: Well, I'm not saying no, I'm just not ready to say yes.
Ruthie: But you're not going to say yes if you can find a way to say no.
Eric: (sighs)
Ruthie: (sighs)
Ruthie: Here's your baby. Thanks for nothing.
Lucy: Tell me something. Was my sermon really that bad or was it just a little long. Yeah, you know, maybe I should just quit and stay home and have another baby. That would make my husband very happy.
Camden's House - Backyard
Meredith: Hi...
Martin: Hi...
Sandy: I'm Sandy.
Meredith: Meredith...
Sandy: So, I'll talk to you later.
Meredith: Well, I should go. I've got school tomorrow and... ah, I'll see you.
Martin: Ah, wait... Uhm... I'm sorry I wasn't around to hang out. I, I was really looking forward to hanging out with you.
Meredith: Yeah, I'm sorry, too. I was really hoping to see you.
Martin: So... uhm...
Meredith: So...?
Meredith: (laughs)
Martin: How's, how's Jack?
Meredith: He's okay. He and Ruthie are thinking of going out. He's a really nice guy, but he and I are just friends. We've been going out, but it's just one of those things, I'm not really interested in him as a boyfriend. He's not really interested in me as a girlfriend. I don't know. Uhm... and I was kind of hoping that maybe you'd wanna go out with me, sometime.
Martin: I would. I would like to go out with you sometime. Uhm... but... uhm...
Meredith: But...? Never mind... you don't have to explain. I don't even... I don't want to put you in a position to have to explain. Uhm, maybe you're just already involved with someone.
Martin: No, no, I'm not. Well, I am, uhm, but I don't wanna be. Maybe we should just go out.
Meredith: Are you sure?
Martin: Yeah, I'm sure.
Meredith: That's great... okay.
Martin: Uhm, I'll call you.
Meredith: Okay...
Martin: Uhm, I think I should go inside. I think the Camdens are expecting me to meet the grandparents.
Meredith: Okay.
Martin: But I will call you.
Meredith: Okay.
Martin: Okay.
Camden's House - Living Room
Lucy: Shouldn't you guys be getting back to school?
Sandy: She wants to meet the grandparents.
Lucy: Ah, you could meet them next time they come.
Rose: Don't worry; I've agreed not to mention that Simon and I are getting married. Even though that's what I want and even though he went along with that before your dad talked to him.
Lucy: Well, it's probably best to wait. I mean, the Colonel is pretty much is a force of nature. You'd be subjecting yourself to a lot of questioning.
Rose: That doesn't bother me.
Lucy: Good, because he's probably gonna ask you a lot of questions, and having had the experience of have the Colonel scare away several of my boyfriends, let me just warn you, he's tricky.
Rose: I'm not in high school. I'm a junior in college. And no offense, but I'm pretty sure I'm a little more savvy than any of your old boyfriends.
Sandy: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Lucy: Sure...
Sandy: Okay, you had the baby first and then graduated from college, right?
Lucy: Actually no, I graduated just a few weeks before the baby came.
Ruthie: Why do you ask?
Simon: That's kind of personal, isn't it?
Ruthie: Oh, is it? Or is it just a question?
Lucy: What's going on?
Ruthie: I'm not speaking to you.
Simon: Why not?
Ruthie: Ask her.
Lucy: Where's Jack?
Martin: Uhm, he left.
Ruthie: He'll be back.
Door: (doorbell rings)
Eric: I'll get it. I'll get it. I got it.
Camden's House - Foyer
Eric: Mom, Dad. Come in, come in.
Ruth: (laughing)
Colonel: Ah, son... so sorry to hear about Carlos and Mary, but we'll talk later.
Camden's House - Living Room
Martin: I better be going, but I hope you get to meet my dad while you're here.
Colonel: Oh, of course, I want to find out what that landscaping thing is all about.
Martin: Goodnight.
Ruth: Oh, Lucy, she is so pretty. I'm sure it's very hard working out your time with the church and your time with family right now.
Ruthie: Don't get her started.
Colonel: Well Rose, so how long have you and Simon been going out?
Annie: Oh, Ruth, Colonel... oh, my gosh. Oh... oh...
Ruth: And this must be David. It's so good see you.
Annie: Hi, it's so good to see you.
Rose: So you were asking how long we've been going out. Long enough to know I really want to be a part if this wonderful family.
Eric: They know.
Simon: Well, we only just wanted to stay long enough to say hello, so, we better get going back to school.
Rose: Oh come on, we can stay a few minutes.
Annie: They know about Simon?
Eric: Mary...
David: We didn't say anything.
Sam: Nothing...
Sandy: Uhm, excuse me, I don't feel very good.
Ruth: She doesn't look very well. Is she all right?
Simon: She's fine.
Colonel: Well then, why don't we all sit down and catch up.
Sam: Are we still supposed to go to bed now?
David: Yeah, I'm confused. Can we talk or not?
Annie: Oh, no it's late. It's way past your bedtime.
Ruthie: I can take them up.
Annie: Thanks...
Lucy: You know what... and I should be going back home. I've got to put Savannah to sleep, but I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Okay, come on. Say bye...
All: Bye...
Simon: We really should be getting on the road, with Sandy not feeling well and all.
Rose: Maybe we can drive back down Wednesday when we don't have classes.
Ruth: Don't you have to study?
Simon: Yes, we do, so unfortunately I think this is the last time we're gonna get to see you.
Ruth: Oh...
Rose: Of course, we could make time if we're asked. For me, family is always first. Goodnight. Nice meeting you.
Ruth: Goodnight...
Eric: So...
Annie: So...
Colonel: So...
Ruth: So... who's getting engaged?
Eric: (sighs)
Colonel: Oh... more bad news. That reminds me of a line from a picture. Edward G Robinson said it, "Where's your God now, Moses"?
Ruth: (laughs)
Ruth: Oh, your father.
Glenoak Police Station
Capt. Michaels: Close call, huh?
Kevin: Yeah, sorry about that.
Capt. Michaels: How'd that happen? I shouldn't have sent you out tonight. I knew you weren't focused.
Kevin: No, I was focused. It was just one of those freak things.
Capt. Michaels: How'd the kid get behind you? If you were moving toward the car, you would have had an eye on him.
Kevin: And if I had kept my eye on him, when he pulled the gun, I might have shot a kid.
Capt. Michaels: Let's not play what if here; you made a mistake that could have cost you or your partner your lives.
Kevin: But it didn't. But it could have. And you're right. I wasn't focused, I haven't been focused. I'm consumed with thinking about my wife and daughter and being with them. I want to be with them. It was different when I was single and it was just me, it was different when it was just Lucy and me. I don't think I want to do this anymore.
Capt Michaels: Wait a minute here, that's not that I was going for, I wasn't trying to get you to quit your job. I was trying to get you to focus on your job.
Kevin: I don't think I can, and knowing that, I know I have to leave, before I get hurt or someone else gets hurt.
Capt Michaels: You just can't quit.
Kevin: Actually, I can.
Capt. Michaels: Hold on, let's not make any hasty decisions. You have a vacation, take a vacation, sort this out. This happens to a lot of new fathers.
Kevin: What happens to a lot of new fathers? They nearly get shot? They endanger their partners? No, I don't think I have to think about it.
Camden's House - Kitchen
Eric: Aren't you exhausted? Won't, won't this keep you up?
Colonel: Nothing keeps me up at my age and I would like a cup if you don't mind?
Eric: Nah, no, I don't mind.
Colonel: You thought we didn't know about the divorce?
Eric: I... I guess I should have realized that Mary would have called you. I know she's very close to the two of you, but she's very close to us, or was, and we haven't heard from her.
Colonel: Well, I think she got the distinct impression from her brothers and sisters that you were all just assumed that the divorce was her fault.
Eric: And...?
Colonel: And if I ever see that lousy, no good husband of hers again, I'll kill him... him and his girlfriend. Oh, you didn't know about that?
Eric: Carlos was cheating on Mary?
Colonel: According to Mary, yes. And I believe her, or I want to believe her. What, you don't?
Eric: I think I know Carlos well enough to know... a girlfriend?
Colonel: That's what I hear.
Camden's House - Living Room
Annie: Carlos with another woman? No, no, no, no, no that's not possible.
Ruth: Why not?
Annie: Well, because...
Annie: Will you excuse me for just one moment?
Camden's House - Kitchen
Eric: Would you excuse me for just one moment?
Colonel: Yeah...
Camden's House - Upstairs Hallway
Eric/Annie: I want a shot at him first.
Eric: Please...
Annie: Why can't I have a shot at him?
Eric: Just let me do this, I, I wanna do this.
Camden's House - Room
Eric: You let us think she just ran off and left you with Charlie for no reason? You have a girlfriend? A girlfriend?
Carlos: She did just run off, she did. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me. There's no girlfriend. I hired a nanny, she wasn't a girlfriend, she was a nanny. I didn't have any choice, Mary was gone all the time, I needed some help. I have to work.
Eric: You don't have to cheat... and with the nanny?
Carlos: I wasn't cheating. Mary didn't believe me, well, Mary didn't want to believe me, she just wanted out and she used this as an excuse.
Eric: Used, used what as an excuse? Did she catch you with the nanny?
Carlos: She caught me having dinner with the nanny, at the apartment, but Charlie was right there with us. It was nothing; it was dinner. Look, I tried to tell you that this wasn't just Mary's fault, that there were two of us in this marriage.
Eric: Sounds like there were three of you.
Carlos: No, I swear. I had no involvement with Cecily... the nanny.
Eric: Well, Mary told my father that you did. And my father's downstairs, right now.
Carlos: Well, I'll go talk to him.
Eric: Oh, I don't think so... he wants to kill you. His words, not mine.
Carlos: Obviously, Mary wanted both of us in the same room together or else she wouldn't have given us the flight passes for this week. So, if I could talk to him, maybe, maybe if I can get him to see my side of this, maybe, there's a chance. Mary's... Mary. She's, she's passionate and impulsive and downright irresponsible, but she's not a bad person, and I love her. She signed over custody to me because she didn't know what else to do. She loves her job and she wants to work, she didn't wanna just take child support and stay home, plus it wouldn't have been enough money for her to just stay home. And she knew she couldn't take alimony because she makes more money than I do... right now. Someday I'll own the family business and someday I will be a wealthy man, just someday, not now.
Eric: But couldn't you have just stayed in New York, especially if you're trying, you know, work things out?
Carlos: Well, the nanny...
Eric: Cecily...
Carlos: ...was a young woman living in our apartment building, so I had to leave. I didn't have to I just thought it was the best choice and I wanted to be with my family, so we wouldn't need a nanny. There's my mother, my sisters... I've got cousins... Charlie and I love being there. I love Mary and I miss our life together, but she flies to Puerto Rico every time she had more than a day off. She sees Charlie and I more now than when we were married. I was hoping, and well, I don't know if I have any right to hope this, but... I was hoping that if, if we stay close to your family, then maybe there is a chance that Mary and I will get back together.
High School
Martin: I guess word's out that he and Meredith aren't dating anymore.
Ruthie: I bet none of their dads would insist on getting to know him before they're allowed to go out with them.
Martin: Those girls are not sixteen, they're seniors.
Ruthie: You know, I was just thinking I bet my dad would let me go out with Jack if you talked to him.
Martin: Oh, no, no, no.
Ruthie: Why not?
Martin: Because I don't want to be responsible for what might happen if you go out with an older guy and for what better not happen.
Ruthie: Hello? I don't want to have sex with the guy; I just want to have pizza.
Martin: Okay, you never know when pizza might turn into sex. I gotta go.
Meredith: So? Did he say anything about me?
Ruthie: No, sorry, I didn't even get around to talking about you before he went all weird on me.
Meredith: He kissed me.
Ruthie: When?
Meredith: Last night leaving the house. We talked, and he said he'd call me, and then he kissed me, just on the cheek, but he kissed me.
Meredith: (laughs)
Ruthie: Good for you. Unless that's some kind of sign he has a problem. I don't know. Why didn't he kiss you on the lips?
Meredith: I don't know. It's not like we went on a date or anything; it was sweet.
Ruthie: (nods)
Meredith: What?
Ruthie: Nothing...
Meredith: Okay, don't do that to me. Just say what you're thinking.
Ruthie: It's nothing. It's just he really annoyed me because he won't talk to my dad about letting me go out with Jack.
Meredith: Well talk to your dad again. He seemed to like Jack. Maybe it'll work out.
Ruthie: I doubt it.
College Campus
Sandy: He can't just ignore me.
Simon: I'm sure he just in a state of shock.
Sandy: Yeah, so am I.
Simon: He's a senior... in high school.
Sandy: You set me up with him.
Simon: No, I didn't exactly set you up with him. The two of you came out for pizza with Rose and me and then you took him off for a tour of the campus which turned into you two jumping into bed together. And if he didn't have enough sense to use some form of protection, maybe you should have taken on the responsibility and then you wouldn't be in this situation.
Sandy: Okay, one, that's a really insensitive thing to say at a time like this, and two, it's not like I tried to get pregnant, it just happened.
Simon: It just happened? How about you and Martin made it happen?
Sandy: What are you so angry about?
Simon: What am I so angry about? He came up here to see me, to see what college is all about, and now, he may never get to go to college and you may never finish college, because the two of you are have responsibility that neither of you intended to have. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I'm sorry this is happening to you.
Sandy: But it is, and he won't even return my phone calls.
Simon: He'll call. Maybe he just wants to think about what he's wants to say first. Maybe he wants to talk to his dad... and then no doubt his dad is going to want to talk to me.
Sandy: This isn't about you, okay?
Simon: I know. I'm sorry. I know.
Rose: Hi, what's going on?
Sandy: Simon was just comforting me. I need comforting.
Kinkirk's House - Kitchen
Lucy: Oh, I was hoping to get home in time to do that.
Kevin: I didn't think you had time to get home for lunch.
Lucy: Well, I cancelled something; I didn't go by the hospital. I'll do it later.
Kevin: And later, while Mommy's visiting sick friends at the hospital, you and I will go to the park and check out the new slide.
Lucy: Well, I think she's a little young to go on a slide.
Kevin: We've been on the slide before, Savannah loves the slide. I hold her, we go down together.
Lucy: I don't think you should be doing that. She's only eight months old.
Kevin: Yeah, but I'm over thirty. Wanna take a bath?
Lucy: What... in the middle of the day?
Kevin: Why not?
Lucy: Well, I mean, if you're going to take her to the park, she's just gonna get dirty again.
Kevin: So, I'll give her another bath. She loves baths. Don't you Savannah? And a bath might make her sleepy so she'll get a good nap and then she'll be in a good mood when I take her out.
Lucy: Okay, I'll give her a bath.
Kevin: No, that's all right, you're working and I'm off today.
Lucy: Why are you off today? You're not off on Mondays.
Kevin: Today I am... really. You go make your hospital visits. We'll be fine.
Lucy: Maybe I don't want to go by the hospital. Maybe I wanna give my daughter a bath.
Kevin: Are we going to argue about who gives Savannah a bath?
Lucy: Maybe...
Kevin: Fine with me. We'll argue, she'll nap, we'll make up.
Lucy: You think it's that easy, do you?
Kevin: Yeah...
Lucy: Sorry, I don't think we have anything to argue about today.
Kevin: I'm leaving the police force. I quit my job.
Lucy: What!
Camden's House - Eric's Office
Door: (knocking)
Lou: I'm sorry to interrupt, but ah, you weren't down at the church.
Eric: Oh, my, my parents are in town.
Lou: Oh, ouch. Ah, I'm sorry. How'd they take the news about Mary?
Eric: Turns out they already knew. So what's up?
Lou: Well, I thought we were going to talk this morning... about Lucy?
Eric: What about Lucy?
Lou: Can I sit down?
Eric: I'm not sure. What about Lucy?
Lou: Well... Eric, I'm not sure how to put this.
Eric: Just put it.
Lou: Believe me, this isn't about yesterday's sermon, it is much more complex, it's, it's about a lot of things.
Eric: Put it!
Lou: Apparently, the congregation, not all of the congregation, but the majority of them do not think Lucy should be the associate pastor.
Camden's House - Living Room
Sam/David: Pow, pow, pow!
Colonel: Pow, pow, pow!
Colonel/Sam/David: Pow, pow, pow!
Colonel: Look out behind you.
Sam/David: Pow, pow, pow!
Lou: I'm only the messenger.
Eric: Where did you get the guns?
Colonel: Oh, your mother and I had to go out and buy 'em. I couldn't find a single one in the ol' toy box.
Eric: And there's a reason for that.
Sam: Can we keep them?
Eric: No, you can't.
David: Grandpa will get you one, too, and then we can all play.
Colonel: What you have some objection to playing cowboy?
Eric: I have an objection to playing cowboy, if it means people pretending to shoot each other with guns.
Colonel: Well, dog gone it. What can we play? You know the last time I was here you wouldn't even let us play soldier.
Eric: I don't care what you play, as long as it doesn't involve guns.
Colonel: Huh, I think I better have a word with the sheriff, cowboys.
Colonel: (laughing)
Eric: I hope we're not going to have this discussion every time you visit, 'cause you know how Annie and I feel about this.
Colonel: Well, I don't think the two of you have really thought it through. You grew up playing with guns and look how you turned out... wonderful.
Eric: I didn't play with guns.
Colonel: Oh, sure you did... you and Julie. I've got the pictures to prove it.
Eric: I don't remember ever playing with guns.
Colonel: You wanna see the pictures?
Eric: No, I don't wanna see the pictures, and I don't want my sons playing with guns.
Colonel: Eric, it's natural.
Eric: No, it's not natural.
Colonel: Oh, sure it is.
Eric: No, it isn't.
Colonel: Yes, it is.
Eric: It is not.
Colonel: Your parenting is some...
Eric: I beg your pardon?
Colonel: You worry about all the wrong things.
Eric: Is it about worrying about the wrong things when I don't want my sons to be taught to turn to violence to solve their problems.
Colonel: Is that's what you think this is about?
Eric: Yes...
Colonel: It's about cowboys. Cowboys had guns. They shot the bad guys. It's important for the good guys to know they can win against the bad guys. It's important for good to triumph over evil, and for children to realize they have fight for good to triumph over evil.
Eric: Do you have a point?
Colonel: Mmmm... yes, I do. Mary... Mary doesn't believe that she can win, she doesn't believe she has any power and so she's, she's quit, she's thrown in the towel.
Eric: You talked to Carlos?
Colonel: Yeah, I talked to Carlos and I'm glad I did. But you see, Mary wanted me to talk to Carlos, she wants someone to tell her she's made a mistake and fix it because she doesn't really believe she has the power to do it herself. And, I think you've got the same problem down the line. Lucy... lovely Lucy, doesn't really believe that she can go out into the world and do good and without doing something bad to her family. Mark my words, she'll lose something there. And Simon... Simon doesn't believe in himself now, not really. He, he wouldn't be playing with this...
Eric: Rose.
Colonel: Yeah... Rose. Isn't that an odd name for a girl like that?
Eric: You don't like her... but you only spent about two minutes with her.
Colonel: I'm an expert in identifying the enemy.
Eric: What about Ruthie?
Colonel: She got a problem?
Eric: She wants to go out with a guy who's like two years older than she is, and a lot more mature than she is. I don't think she's ready for that.
Colonel: (laughs)
Colonel: I think Ruthie's ready for anything. But, make your case and give her the responsibility for making the right decision.
Eric: And if she makes the wrong decision?
Colonel: Who doesn't make a wrong decision now and then? That's how children grow up.
Eric: And what if the mistake she makes is... you know... having sex too young and what if she ends up in trouble?
Colonel: Ruthie? No, not her, son. Please understand what I'm saying to you. You have to believe in your children, and your children have to believe in themselves. Now your mother and I are going to drive up the coast a bit. We need some time to ourselves. We love you and Annie and all the kids, but you're a man, you can handle your problems because I'm quite sure that I taught you to believe in yourself.
Kinkirk's House - Kitchen
Ruth: Hello...? Hello...? Ahhh, there you are. Oh Lucy, you remind me so much of your mother when she and your father were young.
Kevin: Hi, Ruth.
Ruth: Well, hi...
Kevin: I forgot to tell Lucy that I invited you to go to the park with Savannah and me this afternoon.
Lucy: Yeah, you did forget that, didn't you?
Ruth: Oh, Kevin honey, thank you for the invitation, but I just stopped by to tell you our plans for the afternoon have changed. The Colonel wants to drive up the coast; there's an old motel on the beach that we've been going to for um, fifty years, and we want to get there in time to see the sunset. We just wanna get away by ourselves for a few days.
Lucy: Is everything okay?
Ruth: Everything's fine. Everything's always fine. So you just stop worrying and enjoy your life. What am I talking about? You obviously are enjoying your life... so I'll just be going.
Lucy: No wait... I'm sorry you're taking off before we get a chance to talk.
Kevin: Luce...
Lucy: No, I just want to ask you. Yesterday you said you knew I would figure out a way to balance working and a baby...
Ruth: Oh, I hardly said that. I don't even think that's possible. Oh please, everyone's talking about "balance" these days, what for? Like happiness, I think balance is way overrated. I don't, I don't see why it's even an issue. I... did your father ever worry about balance raising children and working? No. Did your grandfather? Oh, no. So why is it your big issue? Why is it an issue at all? If you ask me, it's a luxury to worry about such things. Lucy, you just do what you have to do, and if time and money allow it, then you can worry about all your choices that are so nice to have these days.
Ruth: (laughs)
Ruth: Goodbye, kids.
Lucy: Wow.
Kevin: So where does that put us in terms of my staying at home and being a full-time dad?
Lucy: Well... I guess if that's what we want to do.
Kevin: That's what I want to do.
Lucy: Well, I know this is about you and me, but would you mind if I talk to my dad about this?
Kevin: No, not at all, I think you should.
Camden's House - Backyard
Lucy: (sighs)
Eric: I was just looking for you.
Lucy: Oh, I was just coming over to see you.
Eric: I think we need to talk about the church... you and the church.
Lucy: Yeah, me, too. That's what I was coming to see you about. What?
High School
Jack: Miss your bus?
Ruthie: Yeah, but there's another one in fifteen minutes. Wanna wait with me?
Jack: I'd like to, but... I promised someone a ride home. I had a great time over at your house last night.
Ruthie: Did you have so much fun that you'd like to come back over sometime?
Jack: Maybe... look Ruthie, here's the thing. I'm eighteen and I'm a senior, and I could tell your dad's not that comfortable with the idea of the two of us going out. So, it's not that I don't find you interesting or think you're attractive or anything like that, because I do, but for now, I think it's best if we're just friends.
Ruthie: I'm pretty sure I can talk my parents into letting me go out with you.
Jack: Yeah, but, I don't know. Why don't you date a guy that you don't have to talk them into letting you go out with? Wouldn't that be better?
Ruthie: I have to talk them into letting me go out with any one I go out with, so it's not that big a deal, really, it isn't.
Jack: I'm sorry; I just don't think it's the best time right now. Okay? Friends?
Ruthie: Yeah, sure, friends. But I'm not gonna be friends with my dad.
Martin: Miss your bus?
Ruthie: Yeah, can you give me a ride?
Martin: I got practice. Sorry...
Ruthie: That's too bad. I wanted to talk to you about something.
Martin: About?
Ruthie: What's the deal with you and that Sandy girl?
Martin: No deal. I met her when I went to see Simon this summer. End of story.
Ruthie: End of story?
Martin: Didn't you talk to Meredith today? We're going out Saturday night.
Ruthie: I'm not buying "end of story".
College Campus
Simon: There's no reason to believe that Martin will marry her.
Rose: His dad's a Marine, he'll make him do the honorable thing.
Simon: I'm not sure about that. Is the honorable thing to marry someone you're not in love with?
Rose: Well, whether they do or they don't get married, I want to make our engagement official now, and I want to move the wedding to Thanksgiving.
Simon: Thanksgiving? Wait, this Thanksgiving?
Rose: That's what I want to do.
Simon: But what about what I want to do?
Rose: You want to marry me, right?
Simon: Well yeah, not Thanksgiving.
Rose: We can get married that week, then go on a honeymoon over the Christmas holidays, then we come back to school.
Simon: Wait... wait, wait, wait. Let's, let's not make any crazy decisions just because we're a little up set about Sandy and Martin. That's them. We're us. There's no reason to rush into a marriage.
Rose: Simon Camden, you love me and I love you, and we're going to be together for the rest of our lives. So what difference does it make if we get married this November when I wanna get married?
Simon: Rose, wait. I don't know if I can agree to get married that soon.
Rose: Because...
Simon: I don't know. I guess I'm just... I'm feeling a little pressured. I mean, we had a plan. A plan I was happy with, and now it seems that our plans are changing not because I want them to change or you want them to change, but because of Sandy and Martin.
Rose: Well, that's true. But that's not my fault. You're the one who got them together.
Camden's House - Backyard
Lucy: I can't just refuse to leave.
Eric: Yes, you can.
Lucy: What if they never accept me?
Eric: What if? I think we've both been playing too much of that game, haven't we? What if Mary never goes back to Carlos and what if he and Charlie grow apart from us? What if Simon gets pushed into a marriage he doesn't want and marries someone who makes him miserable and what if he ends up in a divorce, too? What if Kevin stays home and then he's unhappy? What if the church members think that you pushed him into staying home? And what if the church members never accept you? I mean, if we're going to play that game, why don't we go for what if something good happens. What if Mary and Carlos never get married again but, but always remain close so that we always get to be a part of their lives, and Charlie's? What if Simon realizes that Rose isn't the right woman for him to marry and gets out of that relationship? What if Kevin loves staying home with Savannah? What, what if changing his life for his daughter and you gives him even more purpose and more fulfillment than working in the community? What if your very long sermon last Sunday has served the purpose or making both of us more committed to each other and to our work? I have the last say in all church matters, and you're not going anywhere.
Lucy: I don't want you to fight my battles for me. And I'm not the victim here, I take responsibility for talking about my concerns about working, which obviously bored some people and annoyed others. But I'm not afraid to admit that I've made some mistakes and what I want to do better.
Eric: I have to say this, maybe I shouldn't but I'm going to. Women are essential to religion, all religions and throughout history, women have been good for religion, but I'm not sure religion has been good to women in return. We, we can change that starting with you and me and our church, we can change that.
Lucy: I'd like to believe that, but I don't know if I do, but I'd like to believe it.
Eric: Come on, we both know that the only way to change the world is to change ourselves and our relationships with other people first. I believe that, I really do, and I believe in you, Luce. If I haven't said that lately, I'm sorry.
Lucy: Dad, you're going to make me cry.
Eric: Tears? Seems like old times. We'll get through this and all our other challenges together, as a family, a family that loves and respects each other. It may not seem like it, but life is good... always.
Ruthie: I just want you to know that I don't want to have anything to do with either of you or anyone else in this family, with the possible exception of Sam and David. I don't want your advice, I don't want mom's advice or Matt's or crazy Mary's. or Simon's., I just want to place to live, food to eat, a few clothes and a quick shower whenever there's any hot water left over, and other than that, I want everyone to just leave me alone.
Lucy: My guess, Jack decided he didn't want to go out with her.
Eric: Like I said, life is good.
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